"FADE AWAY" es una canción interpretada por 6arelyhuman & asteria, publicada en el álbum Cute Songs For Gangsters.
Fecha de lanzamiento: 12 de febrero del año 2025.
FADE AWAY - 6arelyhuman & asteria
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Comenta sobre FADE AWAY por 6arelyhuman & asteria
Top 10 Canciones Imperdibles de 6arelyhuman & asteria
Lyrics from Twitch Stream // Anarchist Sanctuary6-6-6arelyhuman // T-t-they made me famous, no fucks, they still gon' hate us // T-t-they made me famous, no fucks, they still gon' hate us // They made me famous, no fucks, they still gon' hate us //
Lyrics from Snippet // I might end it all in an all pink Mercedes // Love me, baby, I'm going crazy // These drugs make me think that you hate me // Lost hope, but you'll try to make me //
Anarchist Sanctuary6a-6a-6arelyhuman // So-so-so-so addicted to the rush of this life that I'm livin' // And I can't slow down, gotta keep the wheels spinnin' // I feel like a bad bitch, baby, God is my witness // I'ma do what I want, so get lost or get with it //
Explora todas las letras de las canciones de 6arelyhuman & asteria