
Every Lifetime - Jamie Miller


"Every Lifetime" es una canción interpretada por Jamie Miller y Tori Kelly, publicada en el álbum Long Way Home

Fecha de lanzamiento: 18 de octubre del año 2024. 

Lyrics Every Lifetime - Jamie Miller ft. Tori Kelly

I remember night drivin' down on Church Lane

Callin' Dad to tell him I felt lucky

It was September 28th

Swear I'll never forget that day


You had me laughin' till my cheeks hurt


And you weren't even tryin' to be funny

Walked you home in the rain

But I walked back not the same

I fell so hard, you caught me fast

I've never heard of love like that

Ten steps forward and there's no goin' back

So I pray if I died that I would go before you

'Cause I don't think that I could live a day without you

You're everythin' I hoped for

But I never thought I'd ever find


Feel at home in your eyes

And I just wanna stay here through the tears and the fights

'Cause I can see it so clear

There'll be a time where we have to we say goodbye

I found you in this one

So I'll find you in every lifetime

Growin' old with you will be my biggest blessin'

Holdin' hands while countin' our grey hairs

We'll be toastin' to the two of us

Thanking God as we raise our cups

'Cause we made it, we're the lucky ones


I pray if I died that I would go before you

'Cause I don't think that I could live a day without you

You're everythin' I hoped for

But I never thought I'd ever find


Feel at home in your eyes

And I just wanna stay here through the tears and the fights

'Cause I can see it so clear

There'll be a time where we have to say goodbye

I found you in this one

So I'll find you in every lifetime

Oh-oh, oh-oh


Oh-oh, oh-oh (Woah)

I found you in this one (I found you in this one)

I found you in this one

So I'll find you in every lifetime

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Every Lifetime lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Jamie Miller

Last Call
Don't act like I'm not on your mind, you're on mine // I hope you're out somewhere right now and it's about that time // Someone's raising toast to someone they say they can't live without // Then I hope the bar kicks everybody out' // Cause when it's last call //
Here’s Your Perfect
I remember the day // Even wrote down the date, that I fell for you (Mm-hmm) // And now it's crossed out in red // But I still can't forget if I wanted to // And it drives me insane //
Maybe Next Time
Mom says trust your gut but I think mine's broken' // Cause I could swear that we were meant to be // Standing on your doorstep, now I'm frozen // How are these the words you're telling me? // Now I'm all alone, I know it too well //
I'm throwing out the page I found // The memory about you and I // There’s a time I dreamed about // The place we'll go on a summer night // So take me to your deepest heart //
Over You
I still wonder how you're doing // Walk past places we've been in // I hate that you still cross my mind (Still cross my mind) // Memories that we created // By now I thought would have faded //

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Jamie Miller

Every Lifetime

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Every Lifetime' de Jamie Miller, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Jamie Miller!