


"" es una canción interpretada por EARTHGANG, Spillage Village y Eric Bellinger, publicada en el álbum PERFECT FANTASY

Fecha de lanzamiento: . 

Lyrics - EARTHGANG ft. Spillage Village, Eric Bellinger

One day you're here, can't stay too long, next day I'm gone

Tell the plug, "What's the hold up? I'm tryna roll up," get in my zone

I'm gone (I'm gone), I'm gone (I'm gone), I'm gone (I'm gone)

I'm gone (I'm gone), I'm gone (So gone), I'm gone (I'm gone)

I got to thank the weed man, decompressing my day

Got me reconstructing my life how I want to see it, I play out

Blow my problems away way before I go blow my brains out

Medicate then I meditate, make a way out, no way now

Ain't never been this hot, I'm out of space, it ain't no way down

Gravity ain't got shit on a bitch, I got to thank the strippers

Sometimes we all be tripping, in need of release in tension

Suspension of iller feelings and frustrations we be dealing

Nah, baby, I ain't cheating please come with me if you feel it

We need some reconnecting, the energy's misdirected

The chakras is disconnected, they line me from floor to ceiling

I gotta thank the liqour, remind me I don't need her

Every day that I wake up, my head is busting with fever

Poured out for my niggas, remind me the Lord is with us

Took shots with some gorgeous bitches

Time traveled in my sleep, I got to thank the poison

Whatever that it

One day can't stay too long next day

One day you're here, can't stay too long, next day I'm gone

Tell the plug, "What's the hold up? I'm tryna roll up," get in my zone

I'm gone (I'm gone), I'm gone (I'm gone), I'm gone (I'm gone)

I'm gone (I'm gone), I'm gone (So gone), I'm gone (I'm gone)

I restore the balance if you can understand it

Really comes natural to me, I can give a fuck or get jealous

Cook up the schematics always more than one recipe

The elephant in every room I'm walking in

No prolonging the obvious, life shouldn't have audiences, now is how we all exist

I done spend thousands and thousands on baby-mama shit

Still, I'm outside raw-dogging and I'm partying

Lesson never learned, smoking better herb, acting worse

I don't need liquor, man, I always had the curse

'Fore they put me in the dirt, fuck around and break a family curse

I ain't made a tenth of what my talent deserve

I'm just a ghetto samurai, family ties full of suicide

Nothing else was strong enough to take our life

I ain't fighting demons, dancing with them in the candlelight

I don't need a reason, chaos really is the place I thrive

I say

One day you're here, can't stay too long, next day I'm gone

Tell the plug, "What's the hold up? I'm tryna roll up," get in my zone

I'm gone (I'm gone), I'm gone (I'm gone), I'm gone (I'm gone)

I'm gone (I'm gone), I'm gone (So gone), I'm gone (I'm gone)

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de EARTHGANG

Featuring: EARTHGANG
Yo, more lighter flicks // More lighter flicks // We well acquainted at this, we well acquainted at this point, haha // This our first date // Well acquainted, ooh //
Bobby Boucher
Featuring: Spillage Village, EARTHGANG
Yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah // I'm reunited with, uh, all of my, uh, yeah-yeah // I'm reunited with, uh, all of my // I'm reunited with, uh // I'm reunited with, uh //
Featuring: Future
Yeah, uh-huh // So I'm fucked up, geeked up (Uh) // Leanin' like a tree trunk (Yeah) // I just dropped the blunt doin' jumps off a speedbump (What?) // I don't keep no girl, but they just show up when I need one (Hey) //
Featuring: J. Cole, JID
Yeah, what's up man? (What's up man?) // What's up gang? (What's up gang?) // I'm gettin' this money (I'm gettin' this money) // I'm fuckin' this fame (Man, fuck this fame) // I'm trappin' this water (Trappin' this water) //
I'm Tane (Tane) // Man call dat suh haffi drop di microphone stan as I would say // Disco, action (Ayy) // And hear me now // Dem yute yah nowadays //

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