
Don’t Want To - Jelly Roll


"Don’t Want To" es una canción interpretada por Jelly Roll y Keith Urban, publicada en el álbum Beautifully Broken (Pickin’ Up The Pieces)

Fecha de lanzamiento: 11 de octubre del año 2024. 

Lyrics Don’t Want To - Jelly Roll ft. Keith Urban

I miss you, I need you, but only when I'm weak

Yeah, sometimes, my past life still got a hold on me

And just 'cause I ain't reaching for the bottle

And I ain't got a smoke between my lips

Oh, just 'cause I ain't trying to numb my sorrows

With any kind of vice I ain't tried yet

Don't mean I don't want to

Don't mean I don't feel like it sometimes

Don't mean I don't crave it and taste it in every corner of my mind

Just 'cause I ain't tempting that temptation or lighting up that fuse

Don't mean I don't want to

Don't mean I don't want to

Mm, my battle, my shadow ain't ever far from me

It's moment by moment, damn, it's always gonna be

And just 'cause I ain't reaching for the bottle

And I ain't got a smoke between my lips

Oh, and just 'cause I ain't running from my problems

Or cashing in my good luck for a hit

Don't mean I don't want to

Don't mean I don't feel like it sometimes

Don't mean I don't crave it and taste it in every corner of my mind

Just 'cause I ain't tempting that temptation or lighting up that fuse

Don't mean I don't want to

It don't mean I don't want to, no, no (Hey)

Oh, and just 'cause I ain't running from my problems

And cashing in my good luck for a hit

Don't mean I don't want to

Don't mean I don't feel like it sometimes

Don't mean I don't crave it and taste it in every corner of my mind

Just 'cause I ain't tempting that temptation or lighting up that fuse

Don't mean I don't want to

Don't mean I don't want to

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Don’t Want To lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Jelly Roll

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Lately I've been reflecting, stuck at this intersection // Can't figure which way to go to get myself out this depression // Wonderin' if it's worth it, wonderin' while I'm searchin' // Wonderin' if I'll find out that nothing is ever perfect // I wonder if God can hear me, never felt more deserted //
Nothing Left At All
Stayed up late, patiently waitin' // Wishin' you could call // Dreamin' of memories lost in time // Knowin' they're all gone // So I take this bottle and drown my sorrows //
Hungover In A Church Pew
And will not be condemned // Will not be lost to the fiery lakes of Hell // We are told to repent to be baptized // In the Holy Ghost, you are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ // She hit the road and I hit the bottle //
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Somebody save me, me from myself // I've spent so long livin' in hell // They say my lifestyle is bad for my health // It's the only thing that seems to help // All of this drinkin' and smokin' is hopeless //
Need A Favor
I only talk to God when I need a favor // And I only pray when I ain't got a prayer // So who the hell am I, who the hell am I to expect a savior, oh // If I only talk to God when I need a favor? // But, God, I need a favor //

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Jelly Roll

Don’t Want To

Alias Artístico: Jason DeFord, Fat Man Jones

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Don’t Want To' de Jelly Roll, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Jelly Roll!