"Dark Crush" es una canción interpretada por Ranse, publicada en el álbum Apartment Of The Broken Souls.
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Comenta sobre Dark Crush
Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Ranse
Can you just leave me here with all of my sadness?(My tears on my necklace) // Or, can you just stand still in front of me? // Looking in my eyes, don’t say a word // I love you so, so, so much // Sleeping pills, insomnia //
Okay, I got this // You were the one and I was naive // On my knees and I couldn’t keep // One word to end it all, don’t know if that’s all // But you’re over now, I’m over now, we’re over now //
Crush my heart at night // I gave you my heart to break it // Why you saved it? // You supposed to- (break it) // I don’t get it //
Lately, I can feel it // But, I don’t wanna feel it at all // Actually, I don’t feel it at all // But, what can I do? // You left me in the dark //
(Hey, I hate you, but don’t leave me right n-)(Signal lost) // Baby I can write your name in the sky // And then I can put you through the hell // My thoughts are like the rocks in the river // And you’re just the water, running over again and again //
Explora todas las letras de las canciones de Ranse