
Cool - Gracie Abrams


"Cool" es una canción interpretada por Gracie Abrams, publicada en el álbum The Secret of Us (Deluxe)

Fecha de lanzamiento: 18 de octubre del año 2024. 

Lyrics Cool - Gracie Abrams

I'm not offended and I never was

I said I lied to your face, you can suck it up

I'm actin' bored, it's my right, after all the love

That you bombed

You kick back on your couch with a glass of wine

It's not the same as it was between you and I

Yeah, time can do somethin' funny, it can change my mind

Thank God

Now I'm so cool

I'll be cool for the hell of it

You promised me that you'd call, but you never did

Fool, I'm a fool if the shoe fits

You probably met up with Cass and said the same shit

Calm down, maybe, baby, calm down

Waited for your walls to close on me, they did

I spun 'round, hate the way I spun 'round

All the way 'til I could barely breathe

I'm not pretending in the way you are

You run your hands through your hair, phony superstar

Then say you miss me, you're sad, yeah, I bet you are

Well guess what? Mm

I wish that I didn't, but I know too much

You stranded Sadie and Sarah when they opened up

A waste of running mascara, you thought we wouldn't talk

Thought wrong, ah

Now I'm so cool

I'll be cool for the hell of it

You paint a picture of us just to burn it

Fool, I'm a fool if the shoe fits

I bet you met up with Dev and said the same shit

Calm down, maybe, baby, calm down

Waited for your walls to close on me, they did

I spun 'round, hate the way I spun 'round

All the way 'til I could barely breathe

Breathe, breathe

No, I'll be fine

I'll just look for the silver lining

Stay out of sight

Half my mind, you're still occupying

Kill for a while, stole my time

Thanks a lot for nothing

Stop, I'll be fine, I'll be fine

I'll be cool

I'm so cool for the hell of it

You promised me this was real, but it wasn't

Fool, I'm a fool if the shoe fits

You probably met up with Elle and said the same shit

Calm down, maybe, baby, calm down

Waited for your walls to close on me, when they did

I spun 'round, hate the way I spun 'round

All the way 'til I could barely breathe

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Cool lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Gracie Abrams

I never said it, but I know that I // Can't picture anything past twenty-five // Not like I care to know the timing // Not like I'm looking for that silence // Self diagnosing 'til I'm borderline //
Where Do We Go Now?
24th street // Where you held me, grabbed my arm // What a mental fire alarm' // Cause a lot of that felt wrong // Like I miss you //
Feels Like
Oh, we almost got away, we've cut it close // The city's getting loud // If I choke, it's only 'cause I'm scared to be alone // Been trying to work it out, you should know // I would do whatever you wanted //
Don't feel it all, talk slow and leveled // Foot off the pedal // Same shirt and perfume on // The two of us were accidental // But so good together //
For Real This Time
I think that maybe I was right // Back when I knew to draw the line // Already gave what I could offer // Maybe we'll work another time // I guess the thought of it's enough //

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Gracie Abrams


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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Cool' de Gracie Abrams, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Gracie Abrams!