
Can’t Turn Back the Years - Phil Collins


"Can’t Turn Back the Years" es una canción interpretada por Phil Collins, publicada en el álbum Both Sides

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Lyrics Can’t Turn Back the Years - Phil Collins

Could've given you everything that you need

But I cannot turn back the years

The perfect love was all you wanted from me

But I cannot turn back the years

So we have to be strong, and I'm finding that hard

We have to move on, but no matter how hard I try

If your heart's in pieces, you look for the truth

And when I look deep down inside I know, it's too bad I love you

Too bad I love you

Sometimes hits me in the morning, hits me at night

That I cannot turn back the years

So I look out my window, turn off my light

But I cannot turn back the years

Can't make it seem easy, when you're all that I see

Can't live in a dream and I won't serenade the truth

People are hurting and they're looking to me

And I look at you there's nothing more to say, it's too bad I love you

But I'm never going to (Give it up)

(Give it up, give it up)

No, I love you, and I'm never going to (Give it up)

(Give it up, give it up)

I'll keep holding on to you (Give it up)

(Give it up, give it up)

And I'm never going to give it up

(Give it up, give it up)

All that I lived for, all that I dreamed

But I cannot turn back the years

You're the water I drink, you're the air that I breathe

But I cannot turn back the years

So we have to be strong, and I'm finding that hard

We have to move on, but no matter how hard I try

If your heart's in pieces, you look for the truth

And when I look deep down inside I know, it's too bad I love you

But I'm never gonna (Give it up)

(Give it up, give it up)

No, no, no never gonna (Give it up)

(Give it up, give it up)

It's here to stay, and I'm never gonna (Give it up)

(Give it up, give it up)

Never gonna give it up, never gonna (Give it up)

(Give it up, give it up)

No, I'm never gonna give it up

Never gonna give it up (Give it up)

(Give it up, give it up)

No, I'm never gonna give it up (Give it up)

(Give it up, give it up)

You know you mean too much to me

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Can’t Turn Back the Years lyrics

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Phil Collins

Can’t Turn Back the Years

Alias Artistico: Philip Collins, Philip David Charles Collins

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Can’t Turn Back the Years' de Phil Collins, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Phil Collins!