
Brutally - Suki Waterhouse


"Brutally" es una canción interpretada por Suki Waterhouse, publicada en el álbum Milk Teeth - EP

Fecha de lanzamiento: 3 de octubre del año 206. 

Lyrics Brutally - Suki Waterhouse

Guess it all goes somewhere unknown

Turn around and leave it all behind

Once again, I've drawn a line

There must be a place where lost love overflows

Tell the truth that in my mind

We were always on borrowed time

Is it just that it always goes

To a place where love lost overflows?

Seems to me it's over

I'll get used to it eventually

Over and over again, brutally

It's just the way it's meant to be

Now your love's no good for me

Beneath my smile, my thoughts run wild

Though I try my best, I can't forget my past

So, once again, I send it on

To the place where love lost overflows

Seems to me it's over

I'll get used to it eventually

Over and over again, brutally

It's just the way it's meant to be

Now your love's no good for me

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Brutally lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Suki Waterhouse

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Tides thrash inside, baby, I'm high octane // Fever in a shock wave // My core vibrates in an opium haze // Yet you think we're the same // The skyline falls as I try to make sense of it all //
To Love
Is there a universe // Where our paths never crossed? // Or where I caught your eye // But then someone arrived and we both forgot? // I traveled all corners where destiny called me //
Can't find you, can't find you // Where are you? Where are you? // Can't find you, can't find you // Where are you? Where are you? // I was drinking hard, acting tough //
Neon Signs
I follow the neon signs to your heart // I follow, follow the neon signs // And I can't help feelin' trouble // Trouble, trouble, I can't hide // Free yourself up from the shackles of your dreams (Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble) //

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Suki Waterhouse


Alias Artístico: Alice S. Waterhouse, Alice Waterhouse, Alice Suki Waterhouse

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