Lyrics Brutally - Suki Waterhouse
Guess it all goes somewhere unknown
Turn around and leave it all behind
Once again, I've drawn a line
There must be a place where lost love overflows
Tell the truth that in my mind
We were always on borrowed time
Is it just that it always goes
To a place where love lost overflows?
Seems to me it's over
I'll get used to it eventually
Over and over again, brutally
It's just the way it's meant to be
Now your love's no good for me
Beneath my smile, my thoughts run wild
Though I try my best, I can't forget my past
So, once again, I send it on
To the place where love lost overflows
Seems to me it's over
I'll get used to it eventually
Over and over again, brutally
It's just the way it's meant to be
Now your love's no good for me
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