


"BIG DICK RANDY 2" es una canción interpretada por DigBar y Big Dick Randy 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 24 de Octubre del año 2023. 

Lyrics BIG DICK RANDY 2 - DigBar ft. Big Dick Randy

Reporting live outside of the well known building, BangBros Capital

Where we have received multiple reports from all over the U.S

About sightings of a figure named "Big Dick Randy"

He is popping up in random areas, just stalking people

And putting up posters of asses being ripped off

He is also writing on random walls the words; "Randy is coming for that ass and candy, nigga"

Everyone, please try to be safe on Halloween, although it looks like nowhere is safe

Man it's 2023 and Big Dick Randy coming back

And on Halloween night he gon' be looking for a snack

If you see that nigga comin', better run like you in track

He a big scary nigga, man he 7 foot and black

He don't joke around he don't fucking play

He gon' run off wit' yo butt and eat it up like a buffet

You'll be trick or treating hanging out, thinking it's okay

And then he'll run up on you, snatch yo butt, and run the other way

And there's niggas out here thinking it's a fucking game

Since the day that Randy got me I ain't been the fuckin' same

Snatch me up and made me disappear just like he David Blane

That nigga ever get you this the only way to get away

Look him in the face, and start moanin' out his fuckin' name

He gon' start shaking, break his grip and then you run away

He gon' keep that candy, you'll be lucky to take some away

Digbar shut the fuck up I'm about to have some fun today (Big Dick Randy?)

DigBar capping hard, there ain't no escapin' me

He ain't get away he in my lap right now I'm taking cheeks

Halloween I'm on the US tour and I’ll be in yo city

Snatching off that butt and taking candy I’ma show no pity


What the fuck? Big Dick Randy just broke in the goddamn studio!

He lifted me out the chair, with one hand grabbin' my bootyhole!

He hopped on the damn mic and said 2 lines and then he left a note

I'ma read that bitch to y'all real quick this what he fuckin' wrote:

"Dear all trick or treaters, I'm coming back for that ass

If I ain't get that butt last year, then this year it's getting smashed

I ain't pulling up in no granny costume that shit hard to run in

I'm pulling up in a tracksuit and we really gonna get this fun in"

What the fuck? What that mean? Big Dick Randy coming back on Halloween

And ain't nobody safe, man, not even you and me

Randy finna strike again I'll tell y'all about it when I drop part 3 on Halloween

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

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Comenta sobre BIG DICK RANDY 2

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de DigBar

Featuring: Big Dick Randy
Halloween, 2023, can't believe it's already here // Dressin' up as a thick nigga this year and I got all of my gear // Randy gon' try to target me when he see me in my costume // It's a fake butt on top so if he take it it's okay I got two // I'm hearin' bells, Randy, he can go to hell //
Featuring: Big Dick Randy
On Halloween, there will be a nigga // You gone take his peen' // He's big and black, he will take your candy // That nigga's name is Big Dick Randy // Aye, Big, Big Dick Randy //
Big D Randy Christmas
Twinkle twinkle stay inside, Big Dick Randy did not die // Twinkle twinkle holy shit, Big Dick Randy's got a big- (Hold up, wait) // Big Dick Randy coming back, he's alive // Two days ago, looked him right in his eyes // Big Randy back and I'm hella surprised' //
Black Friday
Featuring: KolossalKocks
Black Friday, Black Friday // Black Friday, Black Friday // Black Friday, Black Friday // Black Friday, Black Friday // Man, it's Black Friday, we got them penises, they half off //

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Alias Artístico: DigBarGayRaps

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'BIG DICK RANDY 2' de DigBar, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de DigBar!