
Better When You're Gone - David Guetta


Letra Better When You're Gone - David Guetta ft. Brooks & Loote

"Better When You're Gone" es una canción interpretada por David Guetta, Brooks & Loote. Fecha de lanzamiento: 7 de febrero del año 2019. 

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I got pain from my waist up

And I wake up and I take drugs

And I say stuff that I make up, like "I hate love"

And I hate that I can't lie, couldn't hate you if I tried

It'll suck for all week, then hurt more on the weekend

When I go out and see your friends

And I don't know what to tell 'em

I can't lie, couldn't hate you if I tried

I'm comin' around to see you, comin' around to leave you

What is the point of hoping when it's already broken?

It hurts to let you go and it's worse to hold on

But I know that I'll be better when you're gone

Said I know that I'll be better when you're gone

When you're gone

Said I know that I'll be better when you're gone

You gave me just eighty

When I needed all hundred percent of you lately

It's obvious you don't even try, you don't even try

I'm comin' around to see you, comin' around to leave you

What is the point of hoping when it's already broken?

It hurts to let you go and it's worse to hold on

But I know that I'll be better when you're gone

Said I know that I'll be better when you're gone

When you're gone

Said I know that I'll be better when you're gone

Said I know that I'll be better when you're gone

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Better When You're Gone lyrics

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Comenta sobre Better When You're Gone por David Guetta

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Better When You're Gone
Featuring: Brooks & Loote
" // Better When You're Gone" es una canción interpretada por David Guetta, Brooks & Loote. Fecha de lanzamiento: 7 de febrero del año 2019. - * [ Letra  // Better When You're Gone -  // David Guetta ft. Brooks & Loote ] * -  // I got pain from my waist up //
Get Together
There's only one thing you can't forget // You've got only one life // This is one night // And you'll never see her again // What time is it? //
Featuring: Morten, John Martin
I know the world is burning // But we still got a chance // I know that we could beat impossible // Impossible, you and I // Impossible, you and I //
Featuring: Benny Benassi
Push me and then just touch me // Till I can get my satisfaction // Push me and then just touch me // Till I can get my satisfaction // Push, push, push, push, push, push, push, push //
Baby Don’t Hurt Me
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I want you for the dirty and clean // When you're wakin' in your dreams // When you bite my tongue and make me scream (And make me scream) // See, I got everything that you need // Ain't nobody gon' do it like me //
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Pa' la cultura — cultura — cultura — cultura, pa' la cultura — cultura — cultura-auah // Pa' la cultura tengo la cura, valgo lo que me duran // Como soy mexicana y vuelo hasta mañana, toda la semana - a estas alturas // Pa' la cultura, esa figura, es una escultura (-tura) // Yo vengo de España con sabrosura dándole caña a esa cintura //

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David Guetta

Better When You're Gone

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Better When You're Gone' de David Guetta , disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de David Guetta !