
better than he does - Denise Julia


"better than he does" es una canción interpretada por Denise Julia, publicada en el álbum Sweet Nothings (Chapter 2)

Fecha de lanzamiento: 25 de octubre del año 2024. 

Lyrics better than he does - Denise Julia

Yeah, oh

Yeah, oh

Heard you were crying in the club

Didn't take me too long to know what's up

Told you that boy is not enough

Call him a man, I call your bluff

Did you entertain him just because?

But I should mind my manners not to cuss

Ain't no better way to say these words

But I could do you better than he does

I hope you really see

How much you mean to me

Girl, I could be the one that you're dreaming of

And I hope you really see

Baby, I can guarantee

I'm better than that boy, he ain't what you need

So baby, give it to me

You're all I see

I'm the one that you need (That girl is mine)

I can treat you better than he does

And I can change your mind and make you trust

What I offer's better than just lust

I'ma make a space that's just for us

Baby girl, I won't take you hiding

I'ma flaunt you everywhere I fly in

I'ma get you everything that's shining

Ain't nobody else I'm admiring

I hope you really see (Ooh)

How much you mean to me

Girl, I could be the one that you're dreaming of

And I hope you really see (Ooh)

Baby, I can guarantee

I'm better than that boy, he ain't what you need

So baby, give it to me

You're all I see

I'm the one that you need (That girl is mine)

I wish there's no in between

Oh, the way I think about you, I can hardly speak

I wish it's just you and me

So let go, take control

I'm right here if you want it, baby

I hope you really see (Ooh)

How much you mean to me (Me)

Girl, I could be the one that you're dreaming of

And I hope you really see (Really see)

Baby, I can guarantee (Can guarantee)

I'm better than that boy, he ain't what you need

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
better than he does lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Denise Julia

Featuring: P-Lo
Got you in my place // So I know you like it bad // You like it bad // Bae, I know you like it bad // And I put you on my pace //
Ooh, ooh-ooh, oh-oh, oh, oh, oh-oh // Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh, oh, oh-oh // Boy ain't it you who left me with no remedy? // And now you're switchin' it up with no guarantee // I know you'll hit a late-night text at 1:03 //
Sugar n’ Spice
Ain't no one tryna pressure you // So you can keep in all your cool // This somethin' light, this somethin' nice // If you don't mind // Got plenty lovin' in the mood //
Featuring: HILLARI
Tell me how you like it, baby? // Tell me would you like it more // If I show you how I do it // How I did it like before? // I've been finding peace of mind //
Don’t matter
Featuring: DENȲ (PHL)
Fourty-five minutes since you had your shot // Guess you got a thing for a brand new thot // I knew it ain't enough when I had you cuffed // You been out playin', breakin' my trust // I can take a blame, I know how it's done //

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Denise Julia

better than he does

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'better than he does' de Denise Julia, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Denise Julia!