
Apple Tree - Aurora


"Apple Tree" es una canción interpretada por AURORA, publicada en el álbum A Different Kind of Human (Step II)

Fecha de lanzamiento: 07 de junio del año 2019. 

Lyrics Apple Tree - Aurora

All of my life I've been hunting

I've been a girl, I've been a boy

Digging my feet into the ground like an apple tree

Wanting to live with a purpose

Skin is a word, love is not a sin

People are bad, people are good

Just like the moon is a stone

But it's a star when it's dark and now she's hiding

If you've seen what a heart is, you've seen its color

If I ever knew how we could guide it

I would take care of its children, become their mother

If I ever knew how we could hide it, hide it (Ah-ah)

Let her save the world, she is just a girl

Let him save them all, he is just a boy

Let her save the world, she is just a girl

Let him save them all, he is just a boy

Hunger is quiet if you do it right

Hunter is loud and predictable, scaring away every prey

So they're gone before the hunter arrives

Would you be kind and put away your sword?

You cannot cut away what we've got

You cannot kill what we are

We are not here in physical form

You've seen where the knife is, its dark location

If I ever knew how we could guide it

I will cut into our anger, make pure emotion

If I ever knew how we could hide it, hide it (Ah-ah)

Let her save the world, she is just a girl

Let him save them all, he is just a boy

Let her save the world, she is just a girl

Let him save them all, he is just a boy

Ah, ah

Oh, oh

Ah, ah

Can you carry the weight of mortality? (Oh, oh)

The explosions around you is your symphony

(Ah, ah) Let her save the world, she is just a girl

(Oh, oh) Let him save them all, he is just a boy

(Ah, ah) Let her save the world, she is just a girl

(Oh, oh) Let him save them all, he is just a boy

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Apple Tree lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Aurora

Everything Matters
Featuring: Pomme
I'm driving your car with you sleeping in the seat next to me // Like a baby, you twist and you turn // You're travelling fast like a bird in a dream // Look at it go, look at it dance over the sky like a rocket // A love machine, a cinematic dream //
She bargains with the world // So everything she wants will come to her // With no greed inside her mind // She knows what she deserves // We fell from sky with grace //
Giving In to the Love
I'm losing my connection // I'm tired of the rules and your corrections // I want to live my life, be all of its pages // And underline that I am not an angel' // Cause if I'm not pure, I guess that I'm too much //
The Woman I Am
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah // Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah // I spend a lot of time wondering why // There's " // I owe you" in you and I //
A Dangerous Thing
Something about you is soft like an angel // And something inside you is violence and danger // I knew from the moment we met, you are a dangerous thing // When you are with me, I feel like I'm living // And living besides you can be unforgiving //

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Apple Tree

Alias Artístico: Aurora Aksnes

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Apple Tree' de Aurora, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Aurora!