
Anthem - Greta Van Fleet


Letra Anthem - Greta Van Fleet

With the news there's something every day 

So many people thinking different ways, you say 

Where is the music? 

A tune to free the soul 

A simple lyric, to unite us all, you know 

Your opinion only knows the one thing 

That you seem to want to have most 

And you chose 

To save yourself in your own time you'll have to 

Stay and open up your own mind 

And every glow in the twilight knows 

That the world is only what the world is made of 

Just you and me can agree to disagree 

And the world is only what the world is made of 

In all the noise facing every day 

The colored world has turned into grey, you say 

And from the void, the place in which we came 

Can we step back and see we want the same 

Oh lord 

Your opinion only knows the one thing 

That you seem to want to have most 

And you chose 

To save yourself in your own time you'll have to 

Stay and open up your own mind (heey) 

And every glow in the twilight knows 

That the world is only what the world is made of 

Just you and me can agree to disagree 

And the world is only what the world is made of 

And every glow in the twilight knows 

That the world is only what the world is made of 

Just you and me can agree to disagree 

And the world is only what the world is made of 

And every glow in the twilight knows 

That the world is only what the world is made of 

Just you and me can agree to disagree 

And the world is only what the world is made of 

And every glow in the twilight knows 

That the world is only what the world is made of 

Just you and me can agree to disagree 

And the world is only what the world is made of 

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

Anthem lyrics


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Greta Van Fleet


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