
All U Need - ​star boy


"All U Need" es una canción interpretada por ​star boy, publicada en el álbum CEO

Fecha de lanzamiento: 01 de marzo del año 2024. 

Lyrics All U Need - ​star boy

Late nights

Outta reach

I'm stayin' up

I'm losing sleep

I sacrifice all of me

So I could be what I think you need

You been everything I need

Oh, why can't you see

That I only want the chance to be

All you need

To the end of time

To be by your side

All you need

What I saw that night

I hear your lullaby until the morning light

Late nights (Ooh)

Fuck you right (Ooh, ooh)

Locked in (Ooh, ooh)

Yeah, you right (Ooh, ooh)

I'm workin'

You know that right

You know I been dreaming about this my whole life

I know you never wanna stand in my way

Deep down, I know you want me to stay

And I got all this pressure on me

I know I made some mistakes

But I been working on me

I'm thinkin' that you been everything I need

Oh, why can't you see

That I only want the chance to be

All you need

To the end of time

To be by your side

All you need

What I saw that night

I hear your lullaby until the morning light

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
All U Need lyrics

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Comenta sobre All U Need por ​star boy

Top 10 Canciones Imperdibles de ​star boy

In a mall, animal, pornstar cannibal // Percs up C // E // O, swag so minimal // C //
Super Human
It's been // Way too // Fuckin' // Long // Since I //
Throw Up
Swerve (Yah, yuh)(Yah) // Swerve, hol' up(Yah, yuh) // Throw it (Yah, yuh) // Swerve, hol' up // Swerve, yeah //
All U Need
Late nights // Outta reach // I'm stayin' up // I'm losing sleep // I sacrifice all of me //
She Ain’t Scared
Yuh, yuh, ayy // I met a girl on Instagram and I'm just wondering // Baby is love real or is it all just a scam? // Baby come with me, let's run away, hold my hand // Baby come with me, we can go to Paris or Japan //
Tiffany Blue Black Means
Yeah, yeah, yeah // Tiffany blue black means, yeah, bitch (Yeah, yeah, yeah) // Tiffany blue black means // My jeans, my belts, I'm rockin' Hermes (Yeah, yeah, yeah) // Perfect Style C //
Romero (Interlude)
Everything is possible in your life, when you believe // When you believe, everything is possible // You have two hands, like me // Everything is possible // Go! Go! And take it whatever you wanna do
Actin' dumb // Lookin' round // Feelin' numb // Show me some' // Bright lights //
LA Girlz
I'm in this bitch with my whip // We C // E // O, yeah for real // Too C //
Heavens Tear
Up all night // On this flight // Do you feel alright? // Come and take a ride // Come and take a ride //

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Foto de ​star boy - Imagen del artista

​star boy

All U Need

Alias Artístico: Perfect Style CEO, Anton Martin Mendo, Anton Mendo

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'All U Need' de ​star boy, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de ​star boy!