
All Mine - Sleepy Hallow


"All Mine" es una canción interpretada por Sleepy Hallow 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 18 de Octubre del año 2024. 

Lyrics All Mine - Sleepy Hallow

(Great John on the beat by the way)

I wouldn't change a thing, no, no

Girl, you looking like a 10/10, ooh, nah, nah

I just wanna know (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

Say you love me, then it's really gon' show (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

I wouldn't change a thing, no, no

Girl, you looking like a 10/10, ooh, nah, nah

I just wanna know (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

Say you love me, then it's really gon' show (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

I wouldn't change a thing, no, no

Girl, you looking like a 10/10, ooh, nah, nah

I just wanna know (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

Say you love me, then it's really gon' show (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

She said, "You toxic, boy, you be tweaking"

We still gon' fuck on the weekend

Said she got options, she could be leaving

Just gotta give her a reason

Baby. I'm stuck in this mood

I left my feelings inside of your room

Top floor, waiting on you

I get the top, then I'm back in the stu'

Married the money, I do

She said, "You blessed, I can't live without you"

Woke up, I was on the news

I'm still fighting cases, gotta stick and move

Murder, she wrote it, uh

Don't make it hot, know my heart get the coldest

Tell me you want it, uh

Say how you feel, give me sugar, don't coat it

Your heart stolen, uh

You want some love, but only for the moment

My heart stolen, uh

You hit my phone, you know I push up on it

I wouldn't change a thing, no, no

Girl, you looking like a 10/10, ooh, nah, nah

I just wanna know (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

Say you love me, then it's really gon' show (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

I wouldn't change a thing, no, no

Girl, you looking like a 10/10, ooh, nah, nah

I just wanna know (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

Say you love me, then it's really gon' show (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

You ain't gotta show me love

I can't pick, I want all the above

I'm drinkin' my feelings and smokin' my trust (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

When I'm in my feelings, I just need a hug

On some drugs, I'm a scrub

I can't go back to what this shit was

Post a throwback, don't mention my cousin

I'm from the trenches, so how could I judge?

I wouldn't change a thing

I wouldn't change nothing, no

No, I don't gotta be the king

I just wanna be somebody you know

I wouldn't change a thing, no, no

Girl, you looking like a 10/10, ooh, nah, nah

I just wanna know (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

Say you love me, then it's really gon' show (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

I wouldn't change a thing, no, no

Girl, you looking like a 10/10, ooh, nah, nah

I just wanna know (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

Say you love me, then it's really gon' show (Girl, it's all mine, it's all mine)

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
All Mine lyrics

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Foto de Sleepy Hallow - Imagen del artista

Sleepy Hallow

All Mine

Alias Artístico: Tegan Chambers

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