
Adeline - alt-J


"Adeline" es una canción interpretada por ​​alt-J, publicada en el álbum RELAXER

Fecha de lanzamiento: 24 de mayo del año 2017. 

Lyrics Adeline - alt-J

Ooh, my Adeline, ooh

Down in Tasmania

Where the devil's jaws are far too weak

To tear you away

Ooh, I wish you well

I wish you well

I wish you well

I wish you well

Ooh, my Adeline

I watch your morning swim again

Ooh, Kodachrome blue sky

Strokes from patch to warm patch

My sweet Adeline

Ooh, I wish you well (My Adeline)

I wish you well

I wish you well (My Adeline)

I wish you well

And the old triangle went jingle-jangle

All along the Royal Canal

My Adeline was swimming; sweet Adeline was singing

To the tune of the Royal Canal

She's a swim, swimmer

Swimmer, swimmer

Swim, swimmer

Swimmer, swimmer

And the old triangle went jingle-jangle

All along the Royal Canal

My Adeline was swimming; sweet Adeline was singing

To the tune of the Royal Canal

I wish her well (My Adeline)

I wish her well

I wish her well (My Adeline)

I wish her well

I wish her well

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Adeline lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de alt-J

Get Better
Hallelujah, I'm listening to // A recording of you sleeping next to me // A cappella, I'm listening to you cover // Elliot Smith's " // Angeles" //
Summer holiday, having fun // Happiness is between two buns // Feeling funky on a rolling boil // Smiles bend all over, can't control how I feel // It's just you and me now //
The Actor
(Yeah) // Bricked up a kilo // Panelled down in the back door // All the while I'm riding // To auditions I'm not getting //
Happier When You’re Gone
" // Joe, Joe, Joe // Only fuck-ups need clean starts" // I scream as you come my way(I'm happier when you're gone) // Joe, Joe, Joe //
Am I cold? I cannot tell // Have I fallen or am I falling down the stairwell?(Philadelphia!) // Oh, the cadence of the glow // Concussive flashes of distant memories // Good God, I feel your hands on me //

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Adeline' de alt-J, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de alt-J!