
8 a.m. - The Marcus King Band


"8 a.m." es una canción interpretada por The Marcus King Band, publicada en el álbum Carolina Confessions

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Lyrics 8 a.m. - The Marcus King Band

Hope they play me on your radio every hour

Don't need money don't need power

Just like to know that you're hearin' me

And I know now, you did what you came to do

Broke my heart back in two, left me wanting more

If you could see me now, you'd be glad you left me

Take a look at me now, wasted at 8 a.m

And I'm riding a white horse back to freedom

That you gave me the reins to

And your trail has gone cold, baby

If you could see me now, you'd be glad you left me

Take a look at me now, wasted at 8 a.m

If you could see me now, you'd be glad you left me

Take a look at me now, wasted at 8 a.m

If you knew my mind, you could see that I'm lonely

Sitting in my den drinking, wasted at 8 a.m., wasted at 8 a.m

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
8 a.m. lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de The Marcus King Band

8 a.m.
Hope they play me on your radio every hour // Don't need money don't need power // Just like to know that you're hearin' me // And I know now, you did what you came to do // Broke my heart back in two, left me wanting more //
How Long
From the bottom I come running // And won't stop 'til I've reached the top // So I come running just to find you // If anybody asks about me // Tell 'em I'm on my way since yesterday //
I don't make it to Savannah often as I should // Road leads me elsewhere // Wouldn't be there if I could // Just got off the phone with you // Did more damage than anything else //
Where I’m headed
Hangin’ out of my window // Leaning over my railing // Trying to see what she's found as she goes // What she found as she goes // Hear the sound of my highway //
Autumn Rains
There's Autumn rains down by the river // Singing sweet songs that wash my pain away // There's Autumn rains up on the mountain // I don't seek shelter 'cause I've always loved the rain // There's Autumn rains down by the river //

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The Marcus King Band

8 a.m.

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Descubre la letra de la canción '8 a.m.' de The Marcus King Band, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de The Marcus King Band!