
5 Star - DD Osama


"5 Star" es una canción interpretada por DD Osama y SheedTs. 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 25 de agosto del año 2023. 

Lyrics 5 Star - DD Osama ft. SheedTs

(Uh, Uh)

Fuck coming back with blood, he coming back with B's

Uhh, stepping back from bluff, he getting back with 3's

Ran him down, he race on feet, and getting back on jeeps

40 flash back, I switch it, sound like ARP's

First you hear them guns, and then you hear them pleas

Shots hit him right in the chest, watch him fall right to his knees

T-Ten K for a hit, I gotta watch him bleed

I got pounds for low, 50 bowls in this trunk

Uhh, switch fuck up his head, they brought his body back

Fuck up the streets in a S five 50, I'm hot like zombie spat

A white boy hop in the back of the jeeps, in a abercrombie hat

B-Brodie call my phone, happy as hell, 'cause I bought hella guns

Put a pound on my block, we ran it up now we got hella funds

Free Dudey out that can, OGZK, he made them all run

Niggas lucky I ain't have it way back then, I would of caught one

Now we got the switches on deck, this ain't no regular gun

Big O'l chain on my neck, with a rollie on my arm

Put the check on ya neck, if I want you dead, you gone

Ya mans had died in that cab, and he get mentioned every song (Rah Rah)

(ha-ha) (rah rah)

Yeah, I know I can't trust a bitch because she still Vicky

She made itch holes in my shirt, it's cool It's still Ricky

I just poured up a four, she see it in my face

Yeah, fuck nigga don't owe money, hell nobody, no cash

We just spin back inna hunnid, double that on my dash


She said 'oh my god, “Ts, do not crash'”

What, I ain't have time to fuck, so she gave me head to last

Fuck coming back with blood, he coming back with B's

Uhh, stepping back from bluff, he getting back with 3's

Ran him down, he race on feet, and getting back on jeeps

40 flash back, I switch it, sound like ARP's

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
5 Star lyrics

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DD Osama

5 Star

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