"10 More Seconds" es una canción interpretada por Nino Paid, publicada en el álbum Love Me As I Am.
Fecha de lanzamiento: 04 de febrero del año 2025.
10 More Seconds - Nino Paid
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Comenta sobre 10 More Seconds por Nino Paid
Top 10 Canciones Imperdibles de Nino Paid
Cigarettes on the roof // You look so pretty and I love this view // We fell in love in October (I can't go back) // That's why, I love fall (Not now) // Looking at the (Not ever) stars (Jacob made this) //
Money Problems
Featuring: Lil Gray
I just woke up this morning // I'm loaded, two Rp 20s to start off the day // My bitch want Chanel and Dior // My momma just want me to stay out the way // I made plenty mistakes as youngin', but I had to learn how to watch what I say //
You ready? // C’mon // Maybe this not what I’m used to // I wanna go back to the old shit, me and my cousins don’t bond like we used to // I only got one more chance to better my life, I already used two //
Midnight Miami
Featuring: Konvy
(Fendi, you're my favorite) // C'mon // I gotta start rappin' 'bout that old shit // Shit I used to go through, shit I used to talk about // Shit niggas gon' relate to //
What's up, Snordatdude Crew? It's yours truly, Snor // But right now, I'ma get into that Nino Paid, " // Play This At My Funeral", look // Nino Paid, " // Play This At My Funeral" //
Yeah // High as hell, I just told Max, " // Let's go to Mars" // Baby // Chief dropped out of school, but youngins still jump out of cars (Brr, brr, brr) //
(Seji, this cold) // Ooh I got time (Ah, ah-ah-ah) // Why ain't you mine? (Ah, ah-ah) // Why is it hard (Hey Friz) // Why is it hard (Ah, ah-ah) //
Explora todas las letras de las canciones de Nino Paid