
10 Drunk Cigarettes - Girly Girl Productions


"10 Drunk Cigarettes" es una canción interpretada por Girly Girl Productions, publicada en el álbum DEMURE

Fecha de lanzamiento: 14 de agosto del año 2024. 

Lyrics 10 Drunk Cigarettes - Girly Girl Productions

Girls don't need men, Barbie don't need Ken

Us girls are doing fine on our own

So, if you're a man, leave us alone

Getting girls rich (Yes)

That's a part of my plan

And I could name ten things us girls need

Before we ever need a man

One new vape, two lines of coke

Free drinks from the bar, four more lines of coke

Five Guys fries, six hits of my blunt

Seven more lines of coke, eight pairs of shoes

Nine BB belts, and ten drunk cigarettes

Seriously, I don't need anything from a man

Actually, maybe give me some money

I don't need money from a man, I got my own

But I want money from a man

Getting girls rich (Yes)

That's a part of my plan

And I could name ten things us girls need

Before we ever need a man

One new vape, two lines of coke

Free drinks from the bar, four more lines of coke

Five Guys fries, six hits of my blunt

Seven more lines of coke, eight pairs of shoes

Nine BB belts, and ten drunk cigarettes

Seriously, I don't need anything from a man

Actually, maybe give me some money

I don't need money from a man, I got my own

But I want money from a man

Getting girls rich (Yes)

That's a part of my plan

And I could name ten things us girls need

Before we ever need a man

One new vape, two lines of coke

Free drinks from the bar, four more lines of coke

Five Guys fries, six hits of my blunt

Seven more lines of coke, eight pairs of shoes

Nine BB belts, and ten drunk cigarettes

10 Drunk Cigarettes lyrics
Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Sé el primero en compartilo en las redes sociales


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Girly Girl Productions

10 Drunk Cigarettes

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