
Til the Right One Comes - John Mayer


"​​Til the Right One Comes" es una canción interpretada por John Mayer, publicada en el álbum Sob Rock

Fecha de lanzamiento: 6 de Julio del año 202. 

Letra Til the Right One Comes - John Mayer

Well the lucky in love called themselves winners

And losers are sinners who have gone astray

As if I woke up lonely one morning

Looked around and decided I would stay that way

You knock me down and you call me crazy

You say I'm never gonna love someone

Give it time now and you might find maybe

I'll prove you wrong when the right one comes

Won't be long til the right one comes

And I know people broke down and defeated

Lost what they needed in some miserable war

So forgive me if I might look around for a minute

Before jumping right in it, I just want to be sure

Some people 'round here been calling me crazy

Some people say I'll never love someone

That's alright, give it time and maybe

I prove you wrong when the right one comes

Won't be long til the right one comes

Now I'm lying in my bed, the end of a long day

Headed the wrong way down that highway of dreams

When you're little unsure of what you're headed for

The end of the road ain't as close as it seems

Some people 'round here been calling me crazy

"Must be something he's been running from"

Stick around now and you might find maybe

Prove you wrong when the right one comes

Won't be long til the right one comes

Til the right one comes

Til the right one comes

Who's that knocking at my door

Is it someone I've been looking for

And who's that throwing arms around me

And telling me she finally found me

Til the right one comes

Til the right one comes

Til the right one comes

Til the right one comes

Til the right one comes

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Til the Right One Comes lyrics

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Comenta sobre Til the Right One Comes por John Mayer

Top 10 Canciones Imperdibles de John Mayer

Carry Me Away
I'm such a bore, I'm such a bummer // There must be more behind the summer // I want someone to make some trouble // Been way too safe inside my bubble, oh // Take me out and keep me up all night //
I Guess I Just Feel Like
I guess I just feel like // I guess I just feel like // Nobody's honest, nobody's true // Everyone's lyin' to make it on through // I guess I just feel like I'm the same way too //
New Light
Ah, ah, ah // Ah... // I'm the boy in your other phone // Lighting up inside your drawer at home, all alone // Pushing 40 in the friend zone //
Wild Blue
Never seen the sun before // Laying on the ocean floor // Walking through the wilderness // And living off the loneliness, oh // Wild blue deeper than I ever knew //
Last Train Home
If you wanna roll me // Then you gotta roll me all night long // And if you wanna use me // Then you gotta use me till I'm gone // I'm not a fallen angel, I just fell behind //
All I Want Is to Be with You
I can fake it and pretend // I don’t wanna see your face again // And I can find me someone new // But all I want is to be with you // I can learn how to let you go //
Why You No Love Me
Help me understand it // Woke up empty-handed // Never heard you say goodbye // Do you remember summer said she'd go forever // Then you turn as cold as the weather //
Shouldn’t Matter But It Does
Shoulda been open // Shoulda done more // Shoulda learned a lesson from the year before // Shoulda been honest // Shoulda just cried //
Shot in the Dark
It's a hard run // Loving like we do // Takes way too long to get over you // And remember the line we drew // But call me over and I'm coming through //
Til the Right One Comes
Well the lucky in love called themselves winners // And losers are sinners who have gone astray // As if I woke up lonely one morning // Looked around and decided I would stay that way // You knock me down and you call me crazy //

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John Mayer

Til the Right One Comes

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Til the Right One Comes' de John Mayer, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de John Mayer!