
This Is a Work of Art (Sketchy) - Dubskie


"This Is a Work of Art (Sketchy)" es una canción interpretada por Dubskie 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 31 de Mayo del año 2022. 

Lyrics This Is a Work of Art (Sketchy) - Dubskie

This is a work of a-a-a-aaaaaart



Damn that thing's a work art gotcha pressed against a wall

Girl I been all around the world and you're the best of all

Damn that thing's a work of art so I know we bout to get sketchy

I was drawn to you just the way you move is sexy

Ugh it’s a master piece

I wanna freaking grasp your cheeks

Shake that thang faster sheesh

She artsy no van goh

Drop that thang low

Bouta chug a Mickey in Orlando

I’ma throw some bands Go

She going ham yo

Been tryna slam yo

Lips against mine

Your friend was like hey that’s my friends

Well yo friends fine (god damn)

Reacting to yo body like an Enzyme

Ay maybe later girl we can spend time

I’m free all on the weekends

We can get to freaking

Diving in you off the deep end

Damn that thing's a work art gotcha pressed against a wall

Girl I been all around the world and you're the best of all

Damn that thing's a work of art so I know we about to get sketchy

I was drawn to you just the way you move is sexy

The real deal no Photoshop

Let me see you move your hips make your shoulders pop

Ay twerk it bend it over drop

Let you hold my gwap

She expensive that kinda art is worth a whole a lot

Tryna draw yo whole body like Leonardo

At the bar doe

Dip to my place I ain’t bring my car doe

Got an Uber on it's way

I can show you where I stay

I could picture you as my bae

She said screw the chattery stop tryna flatter me

Fully charged up no battery

Giving you the business no salary

Ay baby girl you belong in a gallery

Damn that thing's a work art gotcha pressed against a wall

Girl I been all around the world and you're the best of all

Damn that thing's a work of art so I know we about to get sketchy

I was drawn to you just the way you move is sexy

Know we about to get sketchy

The way you move is sexy

Know we bout to get sketchy

The way you move is sexy

This Is a Work of Art (Sketchy) lyrics
Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
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Letras de canciones más destacadas de Dubskie

This Is a Work of Art (Sketchy)
This is a work of a-a-a-aaaaaart JuicyBoy Dubskie Damn that thing's a work art gotcha pressed against a wall Girl I been all around the world and you're the best of all Damn that thing's a work of art so I know we bout to get sketchy I was drawn to you...

Ver todas las letras de canciones de Dubskie

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This Is a Work of Art (Sketchy)

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La letra de la canción "This Is a Work of Art (Sketchy) - Dubskie" es propiedad de su respectivo autor, está publicada en LETRASBOOM.COM con fines meramente informativos y promocionales para cada artista. Nosotros no alojamos la canción "This Is a Work of Art (Sketchy)" del artista "Dubskie" en formato mp3. Tenemos disponible la letra con el video enlazado desde la plataforma Youtube.com y Solo te proporcionaremos información relevante como la letra y el vídeo musical para que puedas escuchar y aprenderte la letra del tema del cantante "Dubskie" llamada "This Is a Work of Art (Sketchy)".