
The Magician - Geordie Greep


"The Magician" es una canción interpretada por Geordie Greep, publicada en el álbum The New Sound

Fecha de lanzamiento: 06 de septiembre del año 2022. 

Lyrics The Magician - Geordie Greep

When the smoke clears, what's left?

Goodbye, goodbye

You drop a kid in gasoline

And give him a lit match

And slap him on the ass

When he lights himself aflame

Like the man who pays his wife

Two hundred pounds to have sex

Because it's the only way he can come

Like the girl, born a princess

Too early or too late

Who waits and waits and knows she'll never be queen

What's left? What's left?

The senile cat's incessant meow

The children's favourite canned cow

The soundtrack of an unkept house

The soundtrack of an abandoned spouse

What's left?

The whirring cogs of futile despair

The anguish of unanswered prayers

The writhing mass of moaning torment

What's left?

You lure a fly to a blazing lamp

Shut the lid tight

And watch it dance about

'Til it dies

Like Sirin's chimp

Who, when given a pen

Draws only the bars of his cage

Like the gown unworn

Like the lawn unmowed/overgrown

Like the car, all rust

Like the lungs, black with tar

Like the bones, black with dust

Like the heart, black with shame

Like the eyes, black with age

Like the stillborns living in his formaldehyde grave

Like his mouth open, crying out to be saved

What is left?

What is left?

What is left?

What is left?

And I'm hiding from the government

And my fictional wife

From my dreams and from my memories

I am running from my life

I'm hiding from you, I'm hiding from you

I'm hiding from you

I'm hiding from my mistress

And her dream sextets

I’m hiding from my family

I’m hiding from the explanations

Of all I’ve been doing wrong

I'm running from your lips

I'm running from your mouth

I’m hiding from your room

I’m hiding from doubt

I’m hiding from living

I’m hiding from everything

I'm hiding from you

When did I meet you?

Maybe two years ago

So much has happened since

You were a million fears ago

So many since have taken your place

A million more things to keep me awake

I don't sleep any more

I just rest my eyes

I'm running from your lips

I'm running fromyour cries

Your convulsions that crack

The crust of the earth

Your pantomime moans

So forced, so rehearsed

Your little tongue

That moves mountains

That moves man to madness

Your little tongue

That deceives and administers lies/life

Your little tongue in the ocean

The iceberg that kills

Your little tongue in my mouth

Your little blade in my side (?)

You're the first I call

I hate the sound of your voice

I hate the words you use

The phrases you think so choice

But I'd kiss you a thousand times

If you'd only turn your head

But you never turn your head

Because just like me, you're not alive, you're dead

In the German black forest of which I know nothing

I dream you ride a black horse

Back and forth

Back and forth

Back and forth

With no compass to follow

Or landmark to reach

You perambulate aimlessly through nondescript trees

In the nondescript forest

Of which I know nothing

And can't visualise at all

Save your faint silhouette

And I clutch and it evades

I wake from the dream

No, no, none of it’s true

I don’t sleep, I don’t sleep!

I wander through cowardice, thought

And regret

Through nothingness, through sagas

That never took place

Your kiss, never given

Your touch, never felt

Your words, never spoken

Your gift, never dealt

Your lies, all around

Your deceit, infinite

I’m hiding from your never ending torrent of shit

Like the spouse happily married

Who still dies alone

Like the world famous actor

Who's still completely unknown

Like the German black forest

Of you I know nothing

I know not your eyes, your skin, your stench, your sins, your arms, your hold, your heart, your folds, your nails, your grip, your grin, your tics, your sex, your shame

I know only your name

And what’s left of the lover

Who doesn’t exist?

Who knows not how many fantasies

Involve her kiss?

And what’s left of the dreamer

Who dreams, and dreams, and dreams and dreams…

And who thinks he isn’t dreaming

But thinks that he is free

And what of the endless, heedless, needless are we

And what of the endless, heedless, needless are we

And what of the endless, heedless, needless are we

Will it end

Will it ever let me be?

No, When the smoke clears, it rains, it pours

When it rains, it pours

When it rains, your name

When the smoke clears, what's left?

The Magician lyrics
Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
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Geordie Greep

The Magician

Alias Artistico: Geordie Wade Greep

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