
THE DRIVER - MÃ¥neskin


"THE DRIVER" es una canción interpretada por Måneskin, publicada en el álbum RUSH! (ARE U COMING?)

Fecha de lanzamiento: 10 de noviembre del año 2023. 

Lyrics THE DRIVER - Måneskin

Hot like summer

Give me eyes, then twist the knife

Put me under your spell

Then hide the crime

Bare your soul 'til it's naked

Bite my lip 'til you break it

Steal my heart, get it wasted

Don't do it slow

If you're gonna set fire to the night

Baby, let me be the lighter

If you're already high and you wanna fly

I'll be the hit that takes you higher

If you wanna love when you touch the sky

You can be my midnight rider

If there's nowhere to go and you wanna go wild

I wanna be the driver

Make me helpless

Tie me down and use your rope

Made of velvet

Then turn the lights down low

Bare your soul 'til it's naked

Bite my lip 'til you break it

Steal my heart, get it wasted

Don't do it slow

If you're gonna set fire to the night

Baby, let me be the lighter

If you're already high and you wanna fly

I'll be the hit that takes you higher

If you wanna love when you touch the sky

You can be my midnight rider

If there's nowhere to go and you wanna go wild

I wanna be the driver

If you're gonna set fire to the night

Baby, let me be the lighter

If you're already high and you wanna fly

I'll be the hit that takes you higher

If you wanna love when you touch the sky

You can be my midnight rider

If there's nowhere to go and you wanna go wild

I wanna be the driver

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey

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Comenta sobre THE DRIVER

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Måneskin

The Loneliest
You'll be the saddest part of me // A part of me that will never be mine // It's obvious // Tonight is gonna be the loneliest // You're still the oxygen I breathe //
Meet me there where it never closes // Meet me there where it's never hopeless // All is fair in love, oh-oh-oh-oh // Honey, are you coming? // I know a place downtown, babe, if you wanna go //
Alone at parties in a deadly silhouette // She loves the cocaine, but cocaine don't love her back // When she's upset, she talks to Maury and takes deep breaths // She's a '90s supermodel, uh-uh-uh // Way back in high school, when she was a good Christian //
Featuring: Tom Morello
Welcome to the city of lies where everything's got a price // Gonna be in your new favorite place // You can be a movie star and get everything you want // Just put some plastic on your face // This place is a circus, you just see the surface //
What's your thoughts about religion? // Are you close to your mother? // Tell me 'bout your dream vacation // And all of your ex lovers // Tell me now, what's that look on your face? //

Explora todas las letras de las canciones de Måneskin

Foto de Måneskin - Imagen del artista



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Descubre la letra de la canción 'THE DRIVER' de Måneskin, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Måneskin!