
Tekkno Train - Electric Callboy


"Tekkno Train" es una canción interpretada por Electric Callboy, publicada en el álbum TEKKNO

Fecha de lanzamiento: 5 de Septiembre del año 2022. 

Lyrics Tekkno Train - Electric Callboy

Ride, take a ride

On the Tekkno train right now

Take your seat

Open up feel the pounding bass deep inside ya

Shaky shaky sweaty sweaty

You make my spaghetti ready

Heat up the sauce it's a dinner for one

You better hold on tight

'Cause we're rolling again

Through the wet lands down

Where the nature is plain

And when it's getting messy

I'm taking the blame

'Cause I need you to stay

On my Tekkno train

There is a whole new world

That you need to explore

It's the sound of the rail

That you love and adore

We're riding on and on

Through the valley of love

'Cause all you got is what

All you got is what I want

Destination love

P-P-Pleasure up above

You really can't stop the heat

I got lipstick on my feet

Licky, licky

Sucky, sucky

Yeah you make my lolly poppy

Candy time

Go get your dinner for one

You better go stuff your face

Before it's too late

'Cause they're standing in line

To grab a piece of the cake

And when the feast is over

We'll see us again

Next week, same time

On the Tekkno train

There is a whole new world

That you need to explore

It's the sound of the rail

That you love and adore

We're riding on and on

Through the valley of love

'Cause all you got is what

All you got is what

There is a whole new world

That you need to explore

It's the sound of the rail

That you love and adore

We're riding on and on

Through the valley of love

'Cause all you got is what

All you got is what I want

Your attention please

The 69 EC Service Tekkno Train on platform A,M,P and V

To Climax City is arriving

Ahead of schedule

We are sorry for any lost enjoyment

I'm gonna take it right now

Hand it over!

This ride is free but I really need to feel it now!

Hand it over!

Boom boom pow

There you go

Choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo, choo

We're riding on the Tekkno train

Choo-choo, choo-choo, choo-choo, choo

We're riding out of town

There is a whole new world

That you need to explore

It's the sound of the rail

That you love and adore

We're riding on and on

Through the valley of love

'Cause all you got is what

All you got is what

There is a whole new world

That you need to explore

It's the sound of the rail

That you love and adore

We're riding on and on

Through the valley of love

'Cause all you got is what

All you got is what I want

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Tekkno Train lyrics

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Comenta sobre Tekkno Train

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Electric Callboy

Featuring: Conquer Divide
I'm in love with the mornin' light, feel it deep inside // My day, my time, my way // But you never stay for the night, you don't know me like // One day I wish you would, yeah // Yeah, everybody thinks that I'm just a fuckboy (Just a fuckboy)' //
Wenn ich all die Bilder seh', dann denk' ich nur an dich // Wie du gestern auf mir saßt, Gott, war das widerlich // Dein Geruch, der noch an mir klebt, der ist jetzt überall // Und schon klingelt mein Telefon, du willst mich noch einmal // Du bist wie ein Hurrikan //
Featuring: FiNCH
I'm a spaceman, got a rocket on my back // Spaceman, oh, I'm ravin' like a maniac // Spaceman, got a rocket on my back // The universe is down for my rave attack(Three, two, one) Yeah // Fi //
Arrow of Love
I wanna share my heart with everyone around // I wanna spread some love, I'm feeling the beat // I'm gonna give my heart to everyone around // I'm gonna share my love with everyone, everyone // I wanna share my heart with everyone around //
Tekkno Train
Ride, take a ride // On the Tekkno train right now // Take your seat // Open up feel the pounding bass deep inside ya // Shaky shaky sweaty sweaty //

Explora todas las letras de las canciones de Electric Callboy

Foto de Electric Callboy - Imagen del artista

Electric Callboy

Tekkno Train

Alias Artístico: Eskimo Callboy

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Tekkno Train' de Electric Callboy, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Electric Callboy!