
Superstitious - Big Time Rush


"Superstitious" es una canción interpretada por Big Time Rush, publicada en el álbum Another Life

Fecha de lanzamiento: 02 de junio del año 2023. 

Lyrics Superstitious - Big Time Rush

I'm defenseless at your fingertips

You're writing a script for two (For two)

And it's reckless, but I can't resist (No)

You're pulling me into you

Now you're under my skin, never letting you go

Got me drowning in this mattress alone

I ain't superstitious

But you're throwin' down the magic on me

(Ba-da, da-da-da-da, ba-da, da-da-da)

Genie in a bottle got me wishing that it's meant to be

(Ba-da, da-da-da-da, ba-da, da-da-da)

We can run away for the hell of it

My name on your lips is adrenaline, can't breathe

(Ba-da, da-da-da-da, ba-da, da-da-da)

I ain't superstitious, but I love it when you make me believe

(Throwin' down the magic on me)

(Throwin' down the magic on me)

Trying not to overthink it, damn

Never mind, no escaping it

I'm dreamin' while I'm wide awake

Invading my brain, yeah

The thought of you controlling me, I can't fight it

Your body painted on the back of my eyelids

You're the one I wanna see in my bed every night, night, yeah

I ain't superstitious

But you're throwin' down the magic on me

(Ba-da, da-da-da-da, ba-da, da-da-da)

Genie in a bottle got me wishing that it's meant to be

(Ba-da, da-da-da-da, ba-da, da-da-da)

We can run away for the hell of it

My name on your lips is adrenaline, can't breathe

(Ba-da, da-da-da-da, ba-da, da-da-da)

I ain't superstitious but I love it when you make me believe

(Throwin' down the magic on me)

(Throwin' down the magic on me)

Now you're under my skin, I'm never letting you go

What a beautiful dream, never wake me up

Swear I'll believe anything if it'll get you close

No more drowning in this mattress alone (No, no)

I ain't superstitious, I ain't superstitious

(Ba-da, da-da-da-da, ba-da, da-da-da)

I ain't superstitious, I ain't superstitious

(Ba-da, da-da-da-da, ba-da, da-da-da)

We can run away for the hell of it

My name on your lips is adrenaline, can't breathe

(Ba-da, da-da-da-da, ba-da, da-da-da)

I ain't superstitious but I love it when you make me believe

(Throwin' down the magic on me)

(Throwin' down the magic on me)

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Superstitious lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Big Time Rush

I know it's a weeknight // But it's been a minute // Since you hit me with a reply, oh // Something don't seem right // We used to talk every day //
Ask You Tonight
I think the writing's on the wall // I've put this off for far too long // It's not so complicated when you meet the one // I'm gonna tell you tonight // Everything you wanna hear //
Yes // Stunned at the sight of ya // Can I confide in ya? // I'm tempted to fall in love // C'mon, baby, light it up //
Can’t Get Enough
I can't get enough of this feeling // I can't get enough, give me more // Got me seein' stars on the ceilin' // Wanna fall in love on the floor // The way you look at me //
Da-da-da, da-ra, da-da, da-ra-da // Da-da-da, da-da, da-da, da-ra-da // Da-da-da, da-ra, da-da, da-ra-da // Da-da-da, da-da, da-da, da-ra-da // There you go //

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Big Time Rush


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