
Someone New - BANKS


"Someone New" es una canción interpretada por BANKS, publicada en el álbum Goddess

Fecha de lanzamiento: 05 de septiembre del año 2014. 

Lyrics Someone New - BANKS

I can love you desperately

Though your love ain't guaranteed

Oh, I wish you knew the deal

Gotta learn from far away

And I simply needed space

Space for me to be

And I think you need it too

Though I know you call me selfish for assuming

I did this for you too

You still got me round your finger

Even though I'm far away

Please believe me when I say:

Everything I do, I'm gonna think of you

Don't know what else to do

You got me, you got me, baby

Everything I make, I only make for you

Baby, be patient for me

And please don't fall in love with someone new

I promise one day I'll come back for you

Oh, you say you hate me now and you burn me with your words

Calling me a fool

Saying that I've fucked up everything

And you'll never forgive me

Though I'm doing this for you

Baby, can't you see if there is such a thing

Of loving someone so much that you need to give them time to let them breathe

But you don't understand

I wish you understood

Oh, I hope one day you do

Everything I do, I'm gonna think of you

Don't know what else to do

You got me, you got me, baby

Everything I make, I only make for you

Baby, be patient for me

And please don't fall in love with someone new

I promise one day I'll come back for you

Believe in you, believe in me

We're meant to be together

I told you, weren't lying, I know you aren't relying

And now I am supplying you

The time and space to let you grow

Into the person that I know, that I know you could be

And I can be her too and I'll come back to you

When I'm ready for you, baby, I ain't ready for you now

I'm not ready for you now, please don't hate me

Everything I do, I'm gonna think of you

Don't know what else to do

You got me, you got me, baby

Everything I make, I only make for you

Baby, be patient for me

And please don't fall in love with someone new

I promise one day I'll come back to you

I promise, one day, I'll come back to you

I promise one day, I'll come back to you

I promise, baby, one day I'll come back to you

I promise, baby, one day I'll come back to you

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Someone New lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de BANKS

I Still Love You
Sure, I know I haven't been around // I've been away way too long // I don't know your bruises, or where you've been lately // But I know I still love you // I don't know where you go on Friday nights //
Featuring: Samoht
If you fall, if you fall, I will catch you(Yeah, yeah, yeah) // Baby, when I feel like, feel like giving up // Something in my spirit tells me I ain't had enough (Yeah, yeah, yeah) // And I know it don't feel easy 'cause life can feel down and up // But there's something 'bout that struggle that makes me wanna get back up //
I'm a little late, ah-ah, ah-ah // Get you water for the wait, ah-ah, ah-ah // I dabble in the past, yeah, I said it // I finally admit it // I told you it was over, then I skinny-dipped and did it //
I love you even though // You don't talk to me any longer // There's something that I wanna know // Did you leave me for good? // I loved you even more //
You know that I, I know what's going on // Can't find the time, I won't // Won't end it 'cause it feels like home // Got me caught up in your past // Put your baggage on my back, my love //

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Someone New

Alias Artístico: Jillian Banks

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