
Size of Sorrow - Tears for Fears


"Size of Sorrow" es una canción interpretada por Tears for Fears, publicada en el álbum Everybody Loves a Happy Ending

Fecha de lanzamiento: 14 de septiembre del año 2004. 

Lyrics Size of Sorrow - Tears for Fears

Bathe in another man's grave

In time we'll follow

Save all your thoughts for these days

Don't steal just borrow

Well the high wire

Is a dangerous game

But a hard act to follow

If I fly high like a moth to a flame

Would your eyes be the size of sorrow?

Pain, I can understand pain

Sometimes you just swallow

Stay, we can make it OK

Don't steal just borrow

Well the high wire

Is a dangerous game

But a hard act to follow

If I fly high like a moth to a flame

Would your eyes be the size of sorrow?

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Size of Sorrow lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Tears for Fears

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Welcome to your life // There's no turning back // I'm by far one of the hardest workers // Real firm believer in " // Practice make perfect" //
No Small Thing
Get your sweets from the candy man // Get your truth from the shelf // Don't buy into the fairy tale // Just be good to yourself' // Cause you know that I love you, girl //
Secret Location
All I want and all I need's // A little time, a little peace // A break from stepping on the broken glass // Little heavens, little hells // The aftershock of cheap hotels //
My Demons
I am the demolition man // I am the smoking gun // Why is my name in lights when my name is spelt wrong? // Only needs an attitude // A longitude and latitude //
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Well, the streets have started burning // There's trouble in the towns // Guess the devil loves his playground, that's for sure // I too often see the world through a veil of tears // Well, to hell with my immunity //

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Size of Sorrow

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Size of Sorrow' de Tears for Fears, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Tears for Fears!