
Shouldn’t Matter But It Does - John Mayer


"​​Shouldn’t Matter But It Does" es una canción interpretada por John Mayer, publicada en el álbum Sob Rock

Fecha de lanzamiento: 6 de Julio del año 202. 

Letra Shouldn’t Matter But It Does - John Mayer

Shoulda been open

Shoulda done more

Shoulda learned a lesson from the year before

Shoulda been honest

Shoulda just cried

Shoulda told me there was nothing left inside

Now the road keeps rolling on forever

And the years keep pulling us apart

We lost something, I still wonder where it was

It shouldn't matter

Shouldn't matter, but it does

You shoulda just broken

You shoulda come clean

You shoulda been sad instead of being so fucking mean

It shouldn't be easy

But it shouldn't be hard

You shouldn't be a stranger in your own backyard

Now the road keeps rolling on forever

And the years keep pulling us apart

I know it's over, I'm just saying this because

It shouldn't matter

Shouldn't matter, but it does

I shouldn't be angry

I shouldn't hold on

I shouldn't leave messages in every little song

It could have been always

It could have been me

We could have been busy naming baby number three

Now the road keeps rolling on forever

And the years keep pulling us apart

If it's on someone then I blame the both of us

It shouldn't matter

Shouldn't matter, but it

Shouldn't matter

Shouldn't matter, but it

Shouldn't matter

Shouldn't matter, but it does

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Shouldn’t Matter But It Does lyrics

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Comenta sobre Shouldn’t Matter But It Does por John Mayer

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de John Mayer

Carry Me Away
I'm such a bore, I'm such a bummer // There must be more behind the summer // I want someone to make some trouble // Been way too safe inside my bubble, oh // Take me out and keep me up all night //
I Guess I Just Feel Like
I guess I just feel like // I guess I just feel like // Nobody's honest, nobody's true // Everyone's lyin' to make it on through // I guess I just feel like I'm the same way too //
New Light
Ah, ah, ah // Ah... // I'm the boy in your other phone // Lighting up inside your drawer at home, all alone // Pushing 40 in the friend zone //
Wild Blue
Never seen the sun before // Laying on the ocean floor // Walking through the wilderness // And living off the loneliness, oh // Wild blue deeper than I ever knew //
Last Train Home
If you wanna roll me // Then you gotta roll me all night long // And if you wanna use me // Then you gotta use me till I'm gone // I'm not a fallen angel, I just fell behind //

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John Mayer

Shouldn’t Matter But It Does

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Shouldn’t Matter But It Does' de John Mayer, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de John Mayer!