
Selfish - Ali Gatie


"Selfish" es una canción interpretada por Ali Gatie, publicada en el álbum WHO HURT YOU?

Fecha de lanzamiento: 2 de Octubre del año 2022. 

Lyrics Selfish - Ali Gatie


Lately, baby, you been actin' selfish

Movin' shady, tryna make me jealous

I start asking questions, you're defensive

You get defensive

'Cause, baby, you're selfish

Wonder if you're mine or someone else's

It's been some time since I felt your affection

Don't ask me why I'm leavin', I can't help it (Help it)

No, I can't help it

I was there for you

I would never ever leave or disappear on you

I would care for you

Put my heart on my sleeve, woulda took it to the end for you

Everybody lost love for you

When life got hard, lost trust for you

I was there, I ain't never switched up on you

Can't believe you did me how you did me, girl

I just always get left behind

Shoulda known every time

I woulda known truth

If I had stuck wit' you

I seen it happenin'

Fakin' the happiness

I guess I should fall outta love

'Cause, baby, you're selfish

Lately, baby, you been actin' selfish (Yeah)

Movin' shady, tryna make me jealous

I start asking questions, you're defensive

You get defensive

'Cause, baby, you're selfish (Selfish)

Wonder if you're mine or someone else's

It's been some time since I felt your affection (Yeah)

Don't ask me why I'm leavin', I can't help it (Help it)

No, I can't help it

You're selfish, love talkin' about yourself

Don't care 'bout no one else

Actin' so unimpressed, ohh-oh

Act reckless, start blamin' someone else

Like you're not one to be bad, ohh

That's why I can't trust you

Don't know how I loved you

Can't believe you played me when I put no one above you

For you I did this I don't do

Let you get too comfortable

If there's one thing I wish I knew is

That you'd be, that you'd be so


Lately, baby, you been actin' selfish

Movin' shady, tryna make me jealous

I start asking questions, you're defensive

You get defensive

'Cause, baby, you're selfish (Ohh)

Wonder if you're mine or someone else's (Yeah)

It's been some time since I felt your affection (Ohh)

Don't ask me why I'm leavin', I can't help it (Ohh)

No, I can't help it ('Cause, baby)

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Selfish lyrics

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(I wanna be the one you mm-mm-mm-mm-mm, girl)(Early mornin', mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm, girl)(Quit playin' 'round, I'm tryna mm-mm-mm-mm-mm, girl)(You know that mm-mm-mm-mm means that now you're my girl) // Did you tell your friends about us?' // Cause I told all of mine // Do you still think about me?' // Cause you're on my mind //
Light My World
If I wanna love you, baby, let me love you // There's just something 'bout you got me feelin' special // I don't want nobody else, no, I just want you // Let me show you the world, give you what you deserve // You light my world like nobody light my world (Light my world) //
Can’t Give Up
I can't give up on us // Oh-oh, oh // When the sun don't shine // And the sky's not blue // When the clouds stop cryin' //
What If I Told You That I Love You
What if I told you that I love you? // Would you tell me that you love me back? // What if I told you that I miss you? // Would you tell me that you miss me back? // What if I told you that I need you? (Need you) //
The Look
Featuring: Kehlani
Strange things could happen // When you're next to me, next to me (Yeah) // It's like I imagine // There's an energy I can read // And I know (I know) where you go (Where you go) //

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Ali Gatie


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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Selfish' de Ali Gatie, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Ali Gatie!