
Red Wine - MØ


"Red Wine" es una canción interpretada por MØ y Empress Of, publicada en el álbum Forever Neverland

Fecha de lanzamiento: 19 de octubre del año 2018. 

Lyrics Red Wine - MØ ft. Empress Of

Don't give a damn about the rumours

They have never bothered me

Yeah and I might be a fool

But I'm lucky that my eyes can see

And I'm in love with the rush boy, love with the rush boy

That you make me feel

Don't give a damn about the rumours

Yeah, I prefer mystery

Feeling like a loose leaf stuck on the tree

Blowing in the wind come help me be free

Like the shimmering stars all smiling at me, oh-oh

Pour the red wine, red wine

Feeling like a loose leaf stuck on the tree

Blowing in the wind come help me be free

With your shivering hands, yeah, put them on me, oh-oh

And pour the red wine, red wine, baby

And pour the red wine, red wine, baby

I don't care for the truth boy

You can be who you please

I've had enough of reality

And longing for the sweet relief, oh oh

And I'm in love with the rush boy, love with the rush boy

You wouldn't believe

And right now, we're no one

So baby, let's breathe

All the girls all around the world are sayin'

"Boy I need love, I need action, action"

And all the guys all around the world are sayin'

"Everyone crave a distraction, don't you?"

Feeling like a loose leaf stuck on the tree

Blowing in the wind, come help me be free

Like the shimmering stars all smiling at me, oh-oh

Pour the red wine, red wine

Feeling like a loose leaf stuck on the tree

Blowing in the wind come help me be free

With your shivering hands, yeah, put them on me, oh-oh

And pour the red wine, red wine, baby

And pour the red wine, red wine

I, I wanna linger wanna live out all my fantasies

Dance on every table 'til they're mad at me

Throw my hair back in the breeze

Boy, you're right there with me

Should believe, gold summer breeze

Don't roll eyes at me

Trying to stop me from flying, but I won't

No, no

Ey, ey, ey, ey, ey

Pour the red wine, red wine

Feeling like a loose leaf stuck on the tree

Blowing in the wind, come help me be free

Take your shivering hands, yeah, put them on me, oh-oh

And pour the red wine, red wine, baby

And pour the red wine, red wine, baby

(All the girls all around the world are sayin')

Pour the red wine, red wine baby

(And all the guys all around the world are sayin')

Pour the red wine, red wine baby

(All the girls all around the world are sayin')

Pour the red wine, red wine baby

(And all the guys all around the world are sayin')

Pour the red wine, red wine baby

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Red Wine lyrics

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Fold up the blinds, spit out the wine // It's getting harder to see // Panic attacks and goodie bags // It's getting harder to breathe (Breathe) // Now how do you do? It's been a good //
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You don't know me anymore, you don't, do ya? // This silver dress feels like a cure, it's like, " // Ooh, yeah" // I don't see a metal door, I look through ya // Right at my future //
I'm in love with your kindness // In love with the mystery // You and I, we were meant to be // It's algorithm, baby // And if I'm lost in the darkness //
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Red Wine

Alias Artístico: Karen Marie Ørsted

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Red Wine' de MØ, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de MØ!