
Phantom (English Ver.) - WayV (威神V)


"Phantom (English Ver.)" es una canción interpretada por WayV (威神V). 

Lyrics Phantom (English Ver.) - WayV (威神V)

Uh, uh

What is it? What is it?

Uh, uh

I'm way too close to the edge

Who's the monster under my bed?

Six feet under

World shakes like thunder

All the noises in my brain

It's a pain I can't explain

When it just gets louder

Yeah, it just gets harder


Shadows they roar, nightmares they call (Hint me)

Darkness and war, dreams are no more (Leave me)


Ayy, look who's watching me through the window

It makes me wonder

Did I move down under?

Four, three, two, one times

I can hear the whispers cry in the night

Footsteps but nobody moved

Scared of the path that I'll choose

Nothing can hide the truth

Like a phantom that be pulling my strings

Hey-yo, hey-yo, the puppeteer sings

Through the darkest rain, the world lives in fear

This time, it's game over

Move the mask, surrender

Your love's so dangerous

Oh, standing in the dark

Only I can see the truth, so crazy

Look through the oculus

The light still shines inside of you, grey to blue

Fade out, phantom

Hold on to your breath with a new ambition

Sound in the dark, see the new conviction

Can't get out, uh

Of the phantom tower

Life is like a lie, call it déjà vu

Ordinary eyes make it seem so true

When it just gets louder

Yeah, it just gets harder


Stop all the tears, break through your fears (Lead me)

Clouds are nowhere, vision is clear (Get it)


Ayy, Phoenix rise above this world of lies

It's almost over, the truth is closer

Four, three, two, one times

High above the night, we're shining our light

Echoes I hear in my room

Feel like I'm searching the truth

Free and I feel alive

Like a phantom that be pulling my strings

Hey-yo, hey-yo, the puppeteer sings

Through the darkest rain, the world lives in fear

This time, it's game over

Move the mask, surrender

Your love's so dangerous

Oh, standing in the dark

Only I can see the truth, so baby

Look through the oculus

The light still shines inside of you, grey to blue

Fade out, phantom

Yeah, ready for the power, the control

Breaking off reality, the hold

Taking back the rest of me

Like the way ahead of me

Not afraid, now you can see, uh, uh

You can say that time cheated on me

We just gotta block out the noise and just let it go

Without warning

My soul gaining control over you

Keeping me alive

I'm born to survive, truth alive

Like a phantom that be pulling my strings

Hey-yo, hey-yo, the puppeteer sings (My feeling, yeah)

Through the darkest rain, the world lives in fear (The world lives in fear)

This time, it's game over

Move the mask, surrender (Move the mask, surrender, yeah)

Your love's so dangerous

Oh, standing in the dark (Oh, standing in the)

Only you can see the truth, so babe (You see the truth)

Look through the oculus

The light still shines inside of you, grey to blue

Fade out, phantom

Uh, uh

What is it? What is it?

Uh, uh

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Phantom (English Ver.) lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de WayV (威神V)

Poppin’ Love (心动预告)
让你心动 预见未来早已经注定的安排 // You got me 不算意外 种种对白 // You know, you know, you know what to do搜讯号 早已确定目标不需要凭借运气刚好 // Make you smile 笑容带着暗号我知道 you're the only one // When you lookin' at me, I'm so off my face就像我们之间心动的感觉完美瞬间不是简单的遇见 //
Hey, okay // Bring it closer, come closer // I believe in miracles // Energy like that // Something more than physical //
Don’t Look Back
别彷徨 别紧张 属于你的梦想向前冲 有希望不要迷失 不要迷惘 找到方向看着前方 拨开迷雾 有阳光我陪你成长 一直在你身旁把勇气都 分享相信你就是那个superhuman驱散开在心中黑洞的黑暗别困惑 找到正确的方向别犹豫 就向前走吧成长总会出现烦恼但一切都 只是过程 (Ha-ah, ah)怎样都要懂得去微笑因为 (Ah-ha) 人生总是美好的 (美好的)未来 终究是未知的 未知的蓝图 是自己绘制的 绘制的相信 努力都会值得 会值得因为阳光 一直照耀着我陪你成长 一直在你身旁抓住我的手 别松开手相信你就是那个superhuman驱散开在心中黑洞的黑暗别困惑 找到正确的方向别犹豫 就向前走吧成长就是一场伟大冒险要怎样的剧情自己来挑选想要活得耀眼 画面自己导演要的幸福相信不算太遥远相信我会选择对的路没有踌躇我的天空不会被乌云被遮住就算逆风而行 against the wind // No pain, no gain回头看那些考验也算是片风景向前走 向前走 别退后 别退后向前走 向前走 don't look back*向前走 向前走 请不要退缩***勇气在背后 就不会退后**相信你就是那个superhuman驱散开在心中黑洞的黑暗别困惑 找到正确的方向别犹豫 就向前走吧向前走 don't look back向前走 don't look back向前走 don't look back (Na-na-na-na-na)向前走 don't look back向前走 don't look back向前走 oh, woah, don't look back
Good Life
Na-na-na-na-na-na // I wanna know what that's like // That good life // Don't be fake // It's okay只想沉醉 那份纯粹 //

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WayV (威神V)

Phantom (English Ver.)

Alias Artístico: We Are Your Vision, Wei Shen V, NCT China

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Phantom (English Ver.)' de WayV (威神V), disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de WayV (威神V)!