Letra New Me - Sen Senra
Me encandilan los coches y las luces
Los diamantes que llevan to'as mis cruces
Obsesionado en convertir todo en oro
Tu mirada mira a un loco
Que anda caminando solo, yeah
I can do this all day
Duro como la lluvia en el monte
Tengo la fortaleza de un bisonte
Muy claro lo que me corresponde
Tan milimétrico y perfecto, baby
Que se lo van a perder
Porque lo superficial se esconde
On my knees
Baby, please
I can't stand this rain pouring on me
All I need, won't you see?
Can you leave so I can stand on my feet?
A new direction, all I got
I got a Miu Miu
I got a new view
I got that new you
But you gon' never have that new me
I got a Miu Miu
I got a new view
I thought I knew you
But you gon' never have that new me
Uh-ah, yeah
I've been on my knees feeling helpless
Can I help it? Oh no, no, no, no, no
I've been on my knees feeling helpless
Can I help it? Oh no, no, no, no, no
I got a Miu Miu
I got a new view
I got that new you
But you gon' never have that new me
I got a Miu Miu
I got a new view
I thought I knew you
But you gon' never have that new me
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