
My Best Friend’s House - Saturday Night Live


"My Best Friend’s House" es una canción interpretada por Saturday Night Live y Ariana Grande 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 12 de Octubre del año 2024. 

Lyrics My Best Friend’s House - Saturday Night Live ft. Ariana Grande

Katie, hi! Hannah's in the shower. Uh, she'll be down in a minute, so make yourself at home

Thanks, Mr. Evans

Right when I step inside, I notice it

The smell of my best friend's house (Ooh-ah, oh-oh)

I walk around and get a whiff of the cinnamon candles

And the pillows and the couch (Ooh-ah, oh-oh)

Her older brother uses spray-on deodorant

If I smell it twenty years from now, it'll take me right back to this moment

And her father really likes to cook, so it always smells good

And her family uses cleaning stuff that my family never would

Oh, I love the smell of my best friend's house

Smell my best friend's house

I really love it, the smell of my best friend's house (Yeah)

I love that, woah-oh, smell of my best friend's house (Yeah)

I really love it, the smell of my best friend's house (Yeah)

I love that, woah-oh

We play music on her headphones, it's the best I've ever heard

And her dad's obsessed with crosswords, he's kind of a nerd (Guilty)

They have a bunch of movies that my house doesn't have

And her parents are divorced, so they have the best snacks

Mm, I love, I really do love the smell of my best friend's house

Smell my best friend's house

I really love it, the smell of my best friend's house (Yeah)

I love that, woah-oh, smell of my best friend's house (Yeah)

I really love it, the smell—

Miss, miss (What?), you can't come in here


After nearly a decade, the search for the crossword killer has come to a close

Police say the owner of this house, Ray Lee Evans, has been implicated in the deaths of at least fourteen missing individuals

Forensic investigators say human remains have been discovered in nearly every room in the house

I guess I may have missed some pretty big red flags

When I was over at my best friend's house

Yes, you did

But now I know what the deodorant and the candles

And that bucket of lye were all about

Kinda sus

And, sure, I never took a close look at the tapes

Or wondered why her dad was burnin' wallets in the fireplace

And, yeah, the fridge was stuffed with food just like I said

But I think the snacks distracted me from the frozen human head

I swear I never really noticed anything weird about my best friend's house

Smell of my best friend's house

I never noticed the smell of my best friend's house

There were drains in the living room

The smell of my best friend's house

Hey, why'd you take my shaker?

The smell of my best friend's house

Oh my god, it was full of teeth

The furniture made me do it!

She can hear them singing too!

She has the darkness too!

My best friend's house

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
My Best Friend’s House lyrics

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Saturday Night Live

My Best Friend’s House

Alias Artístico: Saturday Night Live Cast, NBC's Saturday Night, SNL

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