"Memento Mori (Acoustic)" es una canción interpretada por Architects, publicada en el álbum Live at The Royal Albert Hall.
Fecha de lanzamiento: 21 de noviembre del año 2020.
Lyrics Memento Mori (Acoustic) - Architects
As above, so below
Dismantled piece by piece, what's left will not decease
As within, so without
The seasons bring relief, let me live and die in peace
Let me live and die in peace, let me live and die in peace
Let me live and die in peace, let me live and die in peace
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Let me live and die in peace
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Memento Mori (Acoustic) lyrics
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Comenta sobre Memento Mori (Acoustic)
Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Architects
Never afraid to be despicable (No) // Stood at the brink and you're still looking for the last laugh // You're only crying from the tear gas // Somebody turn us inside out // Maybe you think that I'm too cynical (Yeah) //
Oh // One, two, three, four // We're separated by a margin of a greater degree // The same flesh and blood but in a different lane // I read the remedy too but my words, they still sounded the same //
​a new moral low ground
Grit grinding under my teeth // I guess that I can stop if I'm getting you down // I'll keep myself on a leash // If I were born to hang, then I'll never be drowned // A feather knocked me down //
Burn down my house // I'll blame myself and no one else // Heart in my mouth // Always in doubt about my health // Burn down my house //
Bite my hand, nothing of worth is ever coming to you // Fall into error and swim the sands // Breathe through the dirt, repeat your own point of view // We can learn to stand in no man's land (No man's land) // We fell in love with a death machine (Death machine) //
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