
Know You Better - Black Pumas


"Know You Better" es una canción interpretada por Black Pumas, publicada en el álbum Black Pumas

Fecha de lanzamiento: 21 de junio del año 2019. 

Lyrics Know You Better - Black Pumas

Let's float on, out on this mothership, baby

Let's take control of it

Get it together

Flight of the bumblebee, for my honey baby

Make you wanna sing, get up

Lock hands and sway with me, fire

Filling around the blaze, get it together

I can't get comfortable

With me listening what the people say

I want to know you better

I gotta take this time

Stop and see the weather

I gotta love you right

I want to know you better

Oh, baby


Let us be unified, baby

Out of this galaxy, moving

Free in the way we move

And she'll catch the groove

Make me see it through

Get it together

Light up my fire bank

Hold hands

Everything's everything

Got to get it together

Cruise in my lover's lane

Now I realize

How to really fly

I want to know you better

If I take this time

I need to see the weather

I want to make you shine

I want to know you better

I love you

Better, baby

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Know You Better lyrics

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Ooh, hello, hello, hello, hello // Ooh, hello, hello, hello, hello // Ooh, I know you know // I loved you so // The sun gets closer //
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All I wanna do is breeze // Take me to the cinnamony sea // Out on the edge of tomorrow, yeah // I put my keys in the ignition' // Cause I'm no longer waiting, wishing //

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Black Pumas

Know You Better

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Know You Better' de Black Pumas, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Black Pumas!