
Kingslayer - Bring Me The Horizon


"Kingslayer" es una canción interpretada por Bring Me The Horizon y BABYMETAL, publicada en el álbum POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR

Fecha de lanzamiento: 30 de octubre del año 2020. 

Lyrics Kingslayer - Bring Me The Horizon ft. BABYMETAL


Hi, are you looking for the other side?

Feel like nothing ever seems quite right?

Are you circling the drainpipe? Getting off on pain like

You're corrupted?

I need to know where your loyalties lie

Tell me, are you gonna bark or bite?

Do you really wanna twist the knife in the belly

Of the monster?

Get the fuck up, wake the fuck up

Wipe the system and back the fuck up

You're a puppet when they cut your strings off

Don't come crawling back

Kingslayer, destroying castles in the sky

Kingslayer, forevermore the apple of my eye

I'd sacrifice my life to find you, angel of the blade

Kingslayer, come and collect us from the night



ただ手に入れたい another world

System failure

Life is encrypted, you are modified

Like a virus in a lullaby

Artificial till the day you die, silly programme

You're corrupted

Get the fuck up, wake the fuck up

Wipe the system and back the fuck up

You're a puppet when they cut your strings off

Don't come crawling back, you're on your own



Kingslayer, destroying castles in the sky

Kingslayer, I'll fight for you until I die

Kingslayer, destroying castles in the sky

Kingslayer, forevermore the apple of my eye

I'd sacrifice it all to guide you, never have to battle alone

Kingslayer, come and collect us from the night

This is your wake up call

We're going down the rabbit hole

Are you ready?

I can't feel you

Oh, yeah

Is this what you want?

This is what you'll fucking get

You motherfucking shit

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Kingslayer lyrics

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Comenta sobre Kingslayer

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Bring Me The Horizon

Maybe I'll just be fucked up forever // Should have figured myself out by now // And I don't wanna tear myself open, no // But it's hard to care when you bleed out // So won't you break me down, break me down //
Watching Evangelion with a big fat slug of ketamine // I lost the plot a little while ago, oh-oh // My dog just died, my friends hate me // I saw myself on M // T //
Featuring: Lil Uzi Vert, Daryl Palumbo, Glassjaw
I hope you have fun rotting in hell // Swim the witch, slay the infidel // Suck a dick, heretic // I hate you // And I'd like to see you burn, burn, burn //
You know that I'd die for, I'd cry for // You know that I'd die for you // You know that I'd breathe for, I'd bleed for // You know that I'd breathe for you // Let me see my halo, even though it's painful //
Sinking under // Think my angel's fallen // Safe place plundered // Bastards kicked the doors in // Picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding //

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Bring Me The Horizon


Alias Artístico: BMTH

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Kingslayer' de Bring Me The Horizon, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Bring Me The Horizon!