
Kids Again - Sam Smith


"Kids Again" es una canción interpretada por Sam Smith, publicada en el álbum Love Goes

Fecha de lanzamiento: 30 de octubre del año 2020. 

Lyrics Kids Again - Sam Smith

Can't believe I still avoid the East Side

Even though I know that you don't live there now

Lately you're the only thing on my mind

And I can't stop myself from drivin' by your house

Ooh, every time I hear our song it kind of hurts me still

And, ooh, even after all this time, I kinda miss you still

I'm wondering

Do you even think about it?

The way that we changed the world

And don't it make you sad

That we'll never be kids again?

No, we'll never be kids again

Tell me how you live without it

Did somebody change your world

And now you don't look back?

'Cause we'll never be kids again

No, we'll never be kids again

No, we'll never, never, ever, ever, ever, ever

Livin' out of suitcases in hotels

Drinking way too much and talking through the night

Really wish I didn't know you so well

Wouldn't be so hard to leave the past behind

Ooh, every time I hear our song it kind of hurts me still

And, ooh, even after all this time, I kinda miss you still

I'm wondering

Do you even think about it?

The way that we changed the world

And don't it make you sad

That we'll never be kids again?

No, we'll never be kids again

Tell me how you live without it

Did somebody change your world

And now you don't look back?

'Cause we'll never be kids again

No, we'll never be kids again

No, we'll never, never, ever, ever, ever, ever

Mmm, mmm

No, I, I, I, I

I'm, I'm

Mmm, mmm

Do you even think about it?

The way that we changed the world

And don't it make you sad

That we'll never be kids again?

No, we'll never be kids again

Tell me how you live without it

Did somebody change your world

And now you don't look back

'Cause we'll never be kids again

No, we'll never be kids again

No, we'll never, never, ever, ever, ever, ever

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Kids Again lyrics

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Sam Smith

Kids Again

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