
How To Teleport - ​Jane Remover


"How To Teleport" es una canción interpretada por ​Jane Remover 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 04 de Septiembre del año 2024. 

Lyrics How To Teleport - ​Jane Remover

Oh-oh, oh-oh

Oh-oh, oh-oh

Oh, I didn't know I could break like other dolls

If the parts could hit the ground

Whatever it takes to forget all my mistakes

It's just something to put me out

You can close my eyes, take me back home

You can move my body around (So take me)

You can close my eyes, take me back home

You can move my body around

Please, never let me wake back up from this dream

I can't fall back in the fountain of youth again

Please, never let the gears switch on me

I can't let myself feel that pain again

You can close my eyes, take me back home

You can move my body around (So take me)

You can close my eyes, take me back home

You can move my body around (So take me)

You can close my eyes, take me back home

You can move my body around (So take me)

You can close my eyes, take me back home

You can move my body around (So take me)

It's so easy to keep my composure

You would've loved her, last night you didn't know her

You can call me but won't give me your number

When you see me next time, I'll be so much better

You scare me bad, boy

You're not a bad guy, I keep coming back, boy

If it's the last time I see you, that's too bad

I won't remember you, I'll feel you on my back

You can close my eyes, take me back home

You can move my body around

You can close my eyes, take me back home

You can move my body around

You can close my eyes, take me back home

You can move my body around

You can close my eyes, take me back home

You can move my body around

You can close my eyes, take me back home

You can move my body around

You can close my eyes, take me back home

You can move my body around

How To Teleport lyrics
Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
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​Jane Remover

How To Teleport

Alias Artistico: ​dltzk

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