
How I Learned To Love The Bomb - Glass Animals


"How I Learned To Love The Bomb" es una canción interpretada por Glass Animals, publicada en el álbum I Love You So F***ing Much

Fecha de lanzamiento: 19 de julio del año 2024. 

Lyrics How I Learned To Love The Bomb - Glass Animals

I always thought it was (I always thought it was)

Only the two of us (Only the two of us)

But I saw another one (I saw another one)

Split like a thunderstruck tree trunk or maybe the splits in your knuckles

The split lip you lick too much

Runnin' around, and we're playin' the blame game

Black swan, I'll never see you the same way

Which one is you? Oh, is anything true?

Which one is you? Oh, is anything true?

What should I do? Just pretend it's the same? (Same)

Once you get bit, a little bit of the pain stays

Ache in the tooth on a sweet afternoon

A fly in the room, you can't get with your shoe

And you're just two-sided

So goddamn indecisive

Oh, and it's deep in inside you

I think I just found the bomb

Baby, how do you hide it so?

How do you live like this, oh?

When you get home, who'll I get?

I don't know when you'll explode

You switch it off, you switch it on

I'm sat there, holding on for the bomb

You switch it off, you switch it on

I'm sat there, holding on for the bomb

You say there's nothing wrong (You say there's nothing wrong)

I peel myself off the wall (I peel myself off the wall)

Thought you brought butter cups

Woah, that's a Tommy gun

Meat hooks and diamond dust

Ghost rider, here he comes

Runnin' around, and we're playin' the blame game

Black swan, I'll never see you the same way

Which one is you? Oh, is anything true?

Which one is you? Oh, is anything true?

What should I do? Just pretend it's the same? (Same)

Once you get bit, a little bit of the pain stays

Ache in the tooth on a sweet afternoon

A fly in the room, you can't get with your shoe

And you're just two-sided

So goddamn indecisive

Oh, and it's deep in inside you

I think I just found the bomb

Baby, how do you hide it so?

How do you live like this, oh?

When you get home, who'll I get?

I don't know when you'll explode

Maybe it's just a strange time

That I found you in your life

Maybe I can learn to like

All that I find terrifying

Maybe this is how it is

Maybe this is most exciting

Maybe I'll find a safe distance

'Cause I know there's a bomb in this

And you're just two-sided

So goddamn indecisive

Oh, and it's deep in inside you

I think I just found the bomb

Baby, how do you hide it so?

How do you live like this, oh?

When you get home, who'll I get?

I don't know when you'll explode

You switch it off, you switch it on

I'm sat there, holding on for the bomb

You switch it off, you switch it on

I'm sat there, holding on for the bomb

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
How I Learned To Love The Bomb lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Glass Animals

Pullin' down backstreets, deep in your head // Slipping through dreamland like a tourist // Pullin' down backstreets, deep in your head // Slipping through dreamland like a tourist // That first friend you had, that worst thing you said //
I Don’t Wanna Talk (I Just Wanna Dance)
Don't wanna talk, baby, I just wanna dance // I don't wanna talk no more // Don't wanna talk, baby, I just wanna dance // I don't wanna talk, no more living in the past, baby // Don't wanna talk, baby, I just wanna dance //
Put your hand down, boy, welcome to my zoo // Put your head inside my big black wild, while // I can still help you // See the snake baboon, funky, chic and smooth // Honey, can you spy the divine ape-swine?' //
Gone inside of the wild zabajaba // All the mad and the sad gonna have at ya // Sour plants, hungry fangs, jabazaba // Tangled mass in the vast zabajaba
Alright, come close // Let me show you everything I know // A jungle slang // Spinnin' round my head and I stare // While my naked fool //

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Glass Animals

How I Learned To Love The Bomb

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'How I Learned To Love The Bomb' de Glass Animals, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Glass Animals!