
Golden Hour - MARK (마크)


"Golden Hour" es una canción interpretada por MARK (마크).

Fecha de lanzamiento: 07 de abril del año 2023.

가사 Golden Hour - MARK (마크)



Give me my A course

Ice is so big like a glacier

내 통장에 어울려 plating

She looking at me with no patience

So dangerous

Menu가 마치 내 mirror

Michelin 다워 my facial

내가 좀 나한테 취해 있어

가진 걸 어째 다 숨겨

이렇게나 바빠

바빠 나 먹느라 밥 밥

Ladies just wait for me, good girl

I got a really big

Mm, I got a really big problem (Woo, ha, hoo, woo)

I don't know how to make eggs

But that I do not stress

'Cause I've never been hungry

Appetizer 말고, main dish 말고 난

(말고, main dish 말고 난)

Excuse me, waiter

가운 데다가 노른자만, make it right

(Oh yeah, hello?)

I'm callin' Gordon Ramsay

I'm cookin' up

I'll cook you up


Me in the kitchen with diamond rings (Cookin' get dirty)

I'm cookin' up (Cookin' get dirty)

I'll cook you up


Married the kitchen to cook you up (Yeah)

Topping your fav, 도망가라 해

Tongue in the game, 다 내겐 buffet

I'm in your brain like, "Ooh, la-la-la"

죽어, no, never come back like a bounce

Style too lavish, I don't count (Woo)

도시를 운영해 in my gown

Boy give government's allowance

Ain't ever enough (Woo)

Snapping like branches

Breaktime 없이, kill 'em all (Kill 'em all)

길치가 찾아와

내 course 별 박힌 front door (Woo)

Cut the cloth, cut the check

Off the cuff, going off tonight, I'm

입 맞춰 on the glass

탁해 pinot noir like blood, not mine

I'd say

Appetizer 말고, main dish 말고 난

(말고, main dish 말고 난)

Excuse me, waiter

가운 데다가 노른자만, make it right

So (Yeah, I'm calling)

When it's all said and done, girl, I want you

(Ooh, I)

끝에 나 혼자라면 버려 전부


You can free my mind (Mind)

See the silver lining (Lining)

I know you like Hawaii (Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)

Hop on a flight, 아님 내 cruise

아님 뭐 걷지, let's free your timing

저질러 버리고 후회하자고

I need me a real freak tonight

You know

We live in a world

That constantly tries to take you away from you

Everyone's being everyone but themselves

Here but not around

Wait, but what does that mean?

Heh-heh, heh-heh

(Ooh-ooh, ooh)

I really don't know how

I'm callin' Gordon out

'Cause it's the (Ooh-ooh, ooh)

시간은 golden hour

하늘에 노른자가 shining

(Ooh-ooh, ooh; Yeah)

(Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)

I don't know how to make eggs

But that I do not stress

Know I won't ever go hungry

(Ooh-ooh, ooh)

I'm callin' Gordon out

'Cause it's the golden hour

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Golden Hour lyrics

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Comenta sobre Golden Hour

Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de MARK (마크)

너가 뭔데 내 마음을매달고 흔들어 날 어지럽게내가 문제아라면 왜항상 질문을 던지는 건데 // Oh I, oh I, oh I, 서두르다가 // Oh I, oh I, oh I, 서툴러지네 // Uh, I'm a child너가 바란대론 못 돼 // Have a good night자장가는 필요 없대 (Ooh, yah) //
Golden Hour
Yeah // Oh // Give me my A course // Ice is so big like a glacier내 통장에 어울려 plating // She looking at me with no patience //
First, you crashed into my life and you just broke // My roof and my window, girl, you had me shook난 또 살고 있어 머릿속 drama // Who told me love would come down like a million rocks? // The rock you came with was an alibi // You and I, we have the same disguise회색 긴 캡도 가릴 수 없잖아?또 밤이 올 때 같이, can we ri-ri-ri—? //
200 (Minhyung’s Version)
First, you crashed into my life and you just broke // My roof and my window, girl, you had me shook난 또 살고 있어 머릿속 drama // Who told me love would come down like a million rocks? // The rock you came with was an alibi // You and I, we have the same disguise회색 긴 캡도 가릴 수 없잖아또 밤이 올 때 같이, can we rise up? //

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MARK (마크)

Golden Hour

Alias Artístico: MARK (NCT), Lee Min Hyung (이민형)

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Golden Hour' de MARK (마크), disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de MARK (마크)!