
Gasoline (Remix) - Haim


"Gasoline (Remix)" es una canción interpretada por Haim y Taylor Swift. 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 8 de Febrero del año 202. 

Letra Gasoline (Remix) - Haim ft. Taylor Swift

You took me back

But you shouldn't have

Now it's your fault if I

Mess around

I took a drag

But I shouldn't have

Now I'm coughing up like I

Never smoked a pack


Pretty please

I want to get off

But you're such a tease

Throw the keys

Back to me

Go on and kick off your boots

In the passenger seat

I get sad

You know I get sad

And I can't look past what I'm

Sad about

You did me bad

And I did it back

You needed ass, well, what's

Wrong with that?


Pretty please

I want to get off

But you're such a tease

Throw the keys

Back to me

Go on and kick off your boots

In the passenger seat

Strike a match, strike a match, watch it blow

We're watching the sunrise from the kitchen counter

Want you bad, want you bad, don't you know?

When you're lying between my legs it doesn't matter

Strike a match, strike a match, watch it blow

You say you wanna go slower but I wanna go faster

Want you bad, want you bad—, faster and faster


Pretty please

I want to get off

But you're such a tease

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Gasoline (Remix) lyrics

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Comenta sobre Gasoline (Remix) por Haim

Top 10 Canciones Imperdibles de Haim

I Know Alone
Been a couple days since I’ve been out // Calling all my friends but they won’t pick up // Found another room in a different place // Sleepin' through the day and I dream the same(I don’t wanna) // I don’t wanna give //
Gasoline (Remix)
Featuring: Taylor Swift
You took me back // But you shouldn't have // Now it's your fault if I // Mess around // I took a drag //
Lost Track
Tryin' to get on top // But it's never easy // Mastered my own luck // But it wasn't easy // I'm tryin' to feel alright //
You think you know about me, well, I know me better // I'm not the girl who waits around just to be walked all over // I never tread the line, I never fell and I never lied // But I never thought that I could be the one to open my eyes // I know that //

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Gasoline (Remix)

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Gasoline (Remix)' de Haim, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Haim!