
Forever and Ever, Amen - Randy Travis


"Forever and Ever, Amen" es una canción interpretada por Randy Travis, publicada en el álbum Always & Forever

Fecha de lanzamiento: 04 de abril del año 1987. 

Lyrics Forever and Ever, Amen - Randy Travis

You may think that I'm talking foolish

You've heard that I'm wild and I'm free

You may wonder how I can promise you now

This love that I feel for you, always will be

But you're not just time that I'm killing

I'm no longer one of those guys

As sure as I live, this love that I give

Is gonna be yours until the day that I die, oh, baby

I'm gonna love you forever

Forever and ever, Amen​

As long as old men sit and talk about the weather

As long as old women sit and talk about old men

If you wonder how long I'll be faithful

I'll be happy to tell you again

I'm gonna love you forever and ever

Forever and ever, Amen

They say that time takes its toll on a body

Makes the young girl's brown hair turn grey

But honey, I don't care, I ain't in love with your hair

And if it all fell out, well, I'd love you anyway

They say that time can play tricks on a memory

Make people forget things they knew

Well, it's easy to see it's happening to me

I've already forgotten every woman but you, oh, darling

I'm gonna love you forever

Forever and ever, Amen

As long as old men sit and talk about the weather

As long as old women sit and talk about old men

If you wonder how long I'll be faithful

Well, just listen to how this song ends

I'm gonna love you forever and ever

Forever and ever, Amen

I'm gonna love you forever and ever

Forever and ever, forever and ever

Forever and ever, Amen

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Forever and Ever, Amen lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Randy Travis

Operator, please connect me with 1982 // I need to make apologies for what I didn't do // I sure do need to tell her that I've thought the whole thing through // And now it's clear that she is what I should have held onto // They say hindsight's 20/20, but I'm nearly goin' blind //
Send My Body
Well, the judge, he found me guilty of wrongdoing, and he sentenced me to hang in mid- // July // He looked down at me and said, " // Your life's a ruin, if I were you, I'd break right down and cry" // Well, nobody seems to care that I ain't guilty, Lord, I never did the things they said I've done //
My House
My house is no mansion but it still holds my treasures // Things that will never be sold // There's a few things in this world that just can't be measured // By money, by silver and gold // My house is filled with the things that I love //
I Told You So
Suppose I called you up tonight and told you that I love you // And suppose I said I want to come back home // And suppose I cried and said I think I've finally learned my lesson // And I'm tired of spendin' all my time alone // If I told you that I realized you're all I ever wanted //
On the Other Hand
On one hand, I count the reasons I could stay with you // And hold you close to me all night long // So many lover's games, I'd love to play with you // On that hand, there's no reason why it's wrong // But on the other hand, there's a golden band //

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Foto de Randy Travis - Imagen del artista

Randy Travis

Forever and Ever, Amen

Alias Artístico: Randy Traywick, Randy Bruce Traywick

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Forever and Ever, Amen' de Randy Travis, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Randy Travis!