
Figure You Out - Djo


"Figure You Out" es una canción interpretada por Djo, publicada en el álbum Decide

Fecha de lanzamiento: 25 de Agosto del año 2022. 

Lyrics Figure You Out - Djo

I'm beginning to understand

There's no mystery to this man

It's the simplest things I need

Just my friend and a place to sleep

But I never fail to surprise

There's a feeling that's new to me

Unmistakably that's my voice

And it's speaking as clear as day

I've been trying to figure you out

I've been trying to figure you out

I've been trying to figure you out

I've been trying to figure you out

I've been trying to figure you out

Is the memory really mine?

Is the story I told just fake?

How can you get to know yourself?

Take a test and you get a grade

If the money just wasn't there

And the power you had was gone

And these people were just like you

Tell me, then, would you lend a hand?

I've been trying to figure you out

Tell me, then, would you lend a hand?

I've been trying to figure you out

It's not easy when you're closing down

Down, down

Tell me, then, would you lend a hand?

Something's in my mind and I'm focused on you, yeah (Ah-eh)

Something's in my mind and I'm focused on you, yeah (Ooh-ooh)

Something's in my mind and I'm focused on you, yeah (Ah-eh)

Something's in my mind and I'm focused on you, yeah (Ooh-ooh)

(I want you to feel me now)

Something's in my mind and I'm focused on you, yeah (Ah-eh)

Something's in my mind and I'm focused on you, yeah (Ooh-ooh)

Something's in my mind and I'm focused on you, yeah (Ah-eh)

(I'm trying)

Something's in my mind and I'm focused on you, yeah (Ooh-ooh)

Something's in my mind and I'm focused on you, yeah (Ah-eh)

Something's in my mind and I'm focused on you, yeah (Ooh-ooh)

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Figure You Out lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Djo

End of Beginning
Just one more tear to cry, one teardrop from my eye // You better save it for // The middle of the night when things aren't black and white // Enter, Troubadour" // Remember twenty-four?" //
That's not right // There's a person behind those eyes // That's not right // Any crack is a sign of lies // That's not cool (Not cool) //
Half Life
I fight the urge to search my name // There's a better me, I swear // But curiosity… // I see // I let my ego get the best of me //
And now, I'm ready to go // I'm sick of hanging out and now I'm ready to go // I told you that our friendship couldn't handle much more // But then you went behind my back to settle the score // So goodbye //
I was awoken from a dream last night // The climax right before morning's first light // It felt my arms were made of acolyte // It felt my legs frozen in carbonite // But I can't move 'cause I'm the sterile man //

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Figure You Out

Alias Artístico: Joe Keery, Cool Cool Cool

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Figure You Out' de Djo, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Djo!