
Disillusioned - Daniel Caesar


"Disillusioned" es una canción interpretada por Daniel Caesar y Daniel Caesar, publicada en el álbum NEVER ENOUGH

Fecha de lanzamiento: 07 de abril del año 2023. 

Lyrics Disillusioned - Daniel Caesar ft. Daniel Caesar

I couldn't help but notice

You find this whole life thing a drag

You think this shit's bogus

It is, and you know this

Seen in my peripheral

You try to suffer bullshit

You find it all difficult

Givin' up is typical

You're not typical are you?

And I, I'm scared of gettin' older, it weighs upon my shoulders

And you, you're scared of it too

So we, maybe should get together

We'll take it all on better

We should try something new, something new, new

Couldn't help but notice you

Been smelling the roses

Looking less mad and more focused, focused

Damn, you cleaned up your space

Inviting folks to your place

Everybody hates Chris, not you

Everybody's sweet on you, boo, ooh

Don't make me wear all black

Just stay and throw that thing back, ooh

Don't make me wear all black

Just stay and throw that thing back

Baby, please stay, please stay, please stay

Oh, oh, oh

And I, I'm scared of gettin' older, it weighs upon my shoulders

And you, you're scared of it too (You're scared of it too)

So we, maybe should get together

We'll take it all on better (Take it all on better)

We should try something new (Try something new)

Hop inside my Beamer with me, time to hit the road

Tomorrow's modern boxes, tank of gas, girl let's go

Who cares where we end up, 'long as it's a place that's cool

Pasadena, Malibu, let's go somewhere new

Let's go to a boardwalk watch the people walking by

We'll make fun of their outfits, we'll be cynics, we'll get high

Then find a spot that's so secluded do what lovers do

I love being reclusive and I love being with you

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Disillusioned lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de Daniel Caesar

Let Me Go
I'm tryna breathe, why won't you let me? // I'm tryna leave, please just forget me // And honestly, our sun is setting // Can hardly believe, this got so messy // Ain't gon' sleep tonight //
Valentina, baby // I only need one moment of time // To make you feel a way // From the first time I looked in your eyes // I knew that I would find a way //
Do You Like Me?
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh // Do you like the way I talk to you? // Do I titillate your mind? // Gotta say I like your attitude // And I'd love to make you mine //
Ocho Ríos
In the nick of time, that's when you appeared // Girl, I was lost, 'til you found me here // My hair was long, but my head was low // And now I'm here, 'cause you made it so // Girl, I don't deserve you //
Baby, baby // There will always be a space for you and me // Right where you left it // And just maybe // Enough time will pass //

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Daniel Caesar


Alias Artístico: Ashton Simmonds

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Disillusioned' de Daniel Caesar, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Daniel Caesar!