
Deadend - BANKS


"Deadend" es una canción interpretada por BANKS, publicada en el álbum Serpentina

Fecha de lanzamiento: 06 de abril del año 2022. 

Lyrics Deadend - BANKS

I love you even though

You don't talk to me any longer

There's something that I wanna know

Did you leave me for good?

I loved you even more

And from far away, you look stronger

Out of reach, you're just through the door

But it's steep on the hill

Love, there's a light

And how do you see your life?

When it's not enough in mine

I don't want another dead-end

Get the shovel, I could dig in

If you don't want to admit it

Let me be the one who did it

I don't want another dead-end

But I want a love to live in

If you don't want to admit it

Let me be the one who killed it

I love you even though

It's like you never even wonder

And when I ask, you tell me no

It's too late to let the light in

Love ain't even though I'm keeping up, I'm keeping up

I can't appease you anymore

I can't afford to see you from below

I could squeeze if you didn't believe that there was no room

Love, there's a light

And how do you see your life?

When it's not enough in mine

I don't want another dead-end

Get the shovel, I could dig in

If you don't want to admit it

Let me be the one who did it

I don't want another dead-end

But I want a love to live in

If you don't want to admit it

Let me be the one who killed it

I'm done tryna write about you

But it gives me something to do

I've been diving through the past, oh

I'm tired of writing about you, if you leave

I'm done, I'm done

Arms are empty if you leave

I'm done, I'm done, I'm done

(Let me be the one who killed it)

I'm done tryna write about you (I don't want another dead-end)

(Get the shovel, I could dig in)

But it gives me something to do

I've been diving through the past, oh (If you don't want to admit it)

(Let me be the one who did it)

I'm tired of writing about you, if you leave (I don't want another dead-end)

I'm done, I'm done

Arms are empty, if you leave (But I want a love to live in)

I'm done, I'm done, I'm done (If you don't want to admit it)

Let me be the one who killed it

I don't want another dead-end

Get the shovel, I could dig in

If you don't want to admit it

Let me be the one who did it

I don't want another dead-end

But I want a love to live in

If you don't want to admit it

Let me be the one who killed it

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Deadend lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de BANKS

I Still Love You
Sure, I know I haven't been around // I've been away way too long // I don't know your bruises, or where you've been lately // But I know I still love you // I don't know where you go on Friday nights //
Featuring: Samoht
If you fall, if you fall, I will catch you(Yeah, yeah, yeah) // Baby, when I feel like, feel like giving up // Something in my spirit tells me I ain't had enough (Yeah, yeah, yeah) // And I know it don't feel easy 'cause life can feel down and up // But there's something 'bout that struggle that makes me wanna get back up //
I'm a little late, ah-ah, ah-ah // Get you water for the wait, ah-ah, ah-ah // I dabble in the past, yeah, I said it // I finally admit it // I told you it was over, then I skinny-dipped and did it //
I love you even though // You don't talk to me any longer // There's something that I wanna know // Did you leave me for good? // I loved you even more //
You know that I, I know what's going on // Can't find the time, I won't // Won't end it 'cause it feels like home // Got me caught up in your past // Put your baggage on my back, my love //

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Alias Artístico: Jillian Banks

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Descubre la letra de la canción 'Deadend' de BANKS, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de BANKS!