
coma - rex_incc & MUPP


"coma" es una canción interpretada por rex_incc & MUPP y MUPP, publicada en el álbum acid from the crypt

Fecha de lanzamiento: 23 de agosto del año 2024. 

Lyrics coma - rex_incc & MUPP ft. MUPP

MUPP broken your heart

In the fade yeah, I tried to talking to you

But I feel nothing were the same when I see your face

Cut thru it, all of the pain you tried to see

This how I run it thru it, all of the drugs I'm tryna numb my brain

In the fade yeah, I tried to talking to you

But I feel nothing were the same when I see your face

Cut thru it, all of the pain you tried to see

This how I run it thru it, all of the drugs I'm tryna numb my brain

Suicide lately I've been feeling hang by the knife

For tried to get out my emotions but you wanted to hide

And every time that we together end up bleed in a fight

But when the feelings creeping on you said I'll call you tonight

So tell me baby yeah

So tell me baby now

So tell me baby

Is it right

She want me gon staying the night, In time baby we'll meet again

For all the souls praying on, but will you be there when I die

She want me but tell me a lie, In time baby we'll meet again

Your lost soul is calling me leading me to the fate

Said that she'll be the one, but I don't think you know

The voices' creeping in my head tell me go 'nother road

Coma straight to my bone, I thought that I'd let you know

Bitch why you acting so cold the way you're blowing my phone

coma lyrics
Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
Sé el primero en compartilo en las redes sociales


Letras de canciones más destacadas de rex_incc & MUPP

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MUPP broken your heart

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coma ft. MUPP
MUPP broken your heart In the fade yeah, I tried to talking to you But I feel nothing were the same when I see your face Cut thru it, all of the pain you tried to see This how I run it thru it, all of the drugs I'm tryna numb my brain In the fade yeah, I trie...

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Ver todas las letras de canciones de rex_incc & MUPP

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rex_incc & MUPP


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La letra de la canción "coma - rex_incc & MUPP" es propiedad de su respectivo autor, está publicada en LETRASBOOM.COM con fines meramente informativos y promocionales para cada artista. Nosotros no alojamos la canción "coma" del artista "rex_incc & MUPP" en formato mp3. Tenemos disponible la letra con el video enlazado desde la plataforma Youtube.com y Solo te proporcionaremos información relevante como la letra y el vídeo musical para que puedas escuchar y aprenderte la letra del tema del cantante "rex_incc & MUPP" llamada "coma".