Lyrics Black Eyes - Bradley Cooper
Black eyes open wide
It’s time to testify
There’s no room for lies
And everyone’s waitin' for you
And I'm gone sittin' by the phone and I'm all alone by the wayside
And I'm gone sittin' by the phone and I'm all alone by the wayside
By the wayside
I'm by the wayside
I'm by the wayside
Too far gone and I'm by the phone
And I'm all alone and I'm awful lonely by the wayside
I'm by the wayside
I'm by the wayside
I'm by the wayside
By the wayside
By the wayside
By the wayside
I'm by the wayside
By the wayside
By the wayside
Black eyes open wide
It’s time to testify
There’s no room for lies
And everyone’s waitin' for you
Everyone's lookin' at you
Everyone's lookin' at you
Everyone’s waiting for you
Everyone’s waiting for you
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