
2DK - ​grentperez


"2DK" es una canción interpretada por ​grentperez 

Fecha de lanzamiento: 07 de Noviembre del año 2024. 

Lyrics 2DK - ​grentperez

Two drunk kids turning up for the night

Hey, where you been all my life?

Two drunk kids are you down for the ride?

Hey, and if you're not I'm waiting

Two drunk kids turning up for the night

Hey, where you been all my life?

Two drunk kids are you down for the ride?

Pacemaker, we're not for the feint of heart

Let me dance till I die, till I fall apart

Run around in the night it'll hide the scars

Call a cab for me, take a dab for me

So what's one too many drinks at the club gonna do?

When your whole life is a zoo

What's one too many drinks at the club gonna do?

I was, I was dealing with a punk by the bouncer

That's when I caught her staring, seeing what I'm wearing

Eyes met, silver screen scene, what a dream

But I doubt she remembers who I am, but I mean

I know there's physical things, attraction, her lips, my lips

Need action, come closer, won't you come closer?

Two drunk kids turning up for the night

Hey, where you been all my life?

Two drunk kids are you down for the ride?

Hey, and if you're not I'm waiting

Two drunk kids turning up for the night

Hey, where you been all my life?

Two drunk kids are you down for the ride? (Hm)

I thought that I would rather be here all alone

Thought my distractions were enough to fill the soul

But this girl, she found the way into my being

I can't fight the feeling now (Can't fight)

She's all I'm seeing

Said her name was T with a smile and a laugh, and I smiled back

Grabbed her by the waist and she said, "I like that"

"Find a better place, get to know me better"

So now we at the spot and we not turning down

Said she told her friends that she won't be around

I like the sound of that, now where were we at?

Two drunk kids turning up for the night

(To, to, to drunk, drunk)

Two drunk kids are you down for the ride?

(Are you down? Uh-uh, uh-uh are you down?)

Two drunk kids turning up for the night

Where you been all my life?

Two drunk kids are you down for the ride?

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
2DK lyrics

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Top 5 Canciones Imperdibles de ​grentperez

Us Without Me
I hate the silence now that you're not here // I thought one day you'd come around // Am I livin' in the past with all these questions never asked? // Will they keep me here? // It's so quiet in the stratosphere //
When The Day Is Done
Sitting 'round the table // Reminiscing 'bout the same old stories that we had(All the time) // Used to cry until my mama had no choice // And I used to be so good at that (So good, so good) // Yeah, it took a while for me to see //
Silver Lining
I was waiting by the ocean // Staring endlessly, into this void of separation // Of lovers and a dream' // Cause, we don't talk as deep as we used to // If I, wanted the weather I could just watch the news //
When We Were Younger
I can recall, sittin' alone // The last one left to leave // So you had asked me if you could walk me home // And, I can still hear that school bell ring // And no one else could tell my frown was hidden by a grin //
Stuck On You
I laid awake 'til morning // Head stuck past three // Got so caught up in all our history // What you been up to lately? // I'm same old me //

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Alias Artístico: Grant Perez

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Descubre la letra de la canción '2DK' de ​grentperez, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de ​grentperez!