
2am (20 July, Yannis Logic Demo) - Foals


"2am (20 July, Yannis Logic Demo)" es una canción interpretada por Foals, publicada en el álbum Life Is Yours

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Lyrics 2am (20 July, Yannis Logic Demo) - Foals

It's 2am and I've gone and lost my friends

But I can't sleep alone again

No, I can't sleep alone, I just wanna go home

And it's 2am again

And all these years, I've been running from my fears

But I can't sleep alone again

And all my life, I've been looking for a light

That I can't reignite again

I know that it's all over when we go

When we go our way

But I hoped that we'd be stronger

Now I know, but now I know

No, I can't sleep alone, I just wanna go home

But I sleep alone again

And I've been here before, I was always wanting more

But I never knew when to end

I'm black and I'm blue, I was always there for you

But now you've gone again

No, I can't sleep alone, I just wanna go home

And it's 2am again

We know that it's all over when we go

When we go our way

But I hoped that we'd be stronger

Now I know, but now I know

It's the nights

When I keep you in my mind

That I hoped that I'd be fine

But I've started showing signs

Of another late night

Of another night time

Oh, I hoped that you'd be mine

It's the nights, it's the nights

When I keep you in my mind

Oh, I hoped that I'd be fine

But I've started showing signs

Of another late night

Of another night time

I lost myself again, I just need time to mend

Some quiet and some care, some time to repair

Would you be my guide? Take me by my side

Make me up a bed, forget the things I said

I lost myself again, I just need time to mend

Some quiet and some care, some time to repair

Make me up a bed, forget the things I said

The things I said then

At 2am, at 2am

At 2am, at 2am

Letra añadida por el usuario: Nilmey
2am (20 July, Yannis Logic Demo) lyrics

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2am (20 July, Yannis Logic Demo)

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Descubre la letra de la canción '2am (20 July, Yannis Logic Demo)' de Foals, disponible en LETRASBOOM.COM para fines informativos. Aunque no ofrecemos la descarga en formato mp3, puedes disfrutar de la letra completa y seguirla mientras ves el video musical de YouTube. ¡Sumérgete en esta experiencia musical y aprecia el talento de Foals!